Neil deGrasse Tyson continues his world tour in posing questions to vegans, that nobody would ask, had they possessed a sufficient understanding of veganism. This is very likely my last time covering Neil deGrasse Tyson on veganism. The only way in which I would consider covering him again would be if he said something outside of “tics tho”. Enjoy 🙂

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42 thoughts on “THE ONE ARGUMENT VEGANS CAN’T RESPOND TO! (Feat. Neil deGrasse Tyson)”

  1. His idea of veganism doesn't match the definition. He's arguing that being vegan = loving animals but it's fully possible to be vegan and not love any animals while recognizing that you can reduce making them suffer unnecessarily.

  2. This is so stupid. The very next section he exposes himself as having species bigotry that he will eat line caught tuna to supposedly save dolphins from nets… Just don't eat fish… No nets to worry about……..

  3. We shouldn't protect lions because they are a threat to antelopes? Or you only want to protect them becasue you aren't likely to be attacked by one? This is why you would think it okay to kill mosquitos, because they annoy you in order for them to live but you want to protect the species that kill other animals in order to live? That makes no logical sense.

  4. I guess I should think twice before removing ticks from my dog. They’re just trying to make a living after all. They could have two kids and a mortgage. Being a bloodsucking parasite doesn’t pay what it used to with all us vegans running around.

  5. It's pretty clear at this point that NDT is not a smart man, never was, and that dumb people can also have fancy titles and jobs that smart people should have. He's a goofy nerd personality and that was charming when he was "making science accessible to the masses" but other people were already doing that long before he was. He was never that good at it. Veganism exposes his idiocy.

  6. Lol I don’t think he’s talking about vegans at all. He’s talking about meat eaters who jump on the bandwagon of advocating for specific animals. (Hence the part about cows pigs and sheep)

  7. How can so smart people be so dumb? "Vegans are speciesists and hypocrites for killing tics and mosquitoes. I kill tuna to save dolphins. Why doesn't anyone, including me, care about tuna? Vegans do, but they don't count because they kill in self defence." ….? What is his point? He brings up the hypocracy of caring for dolphins, but not tuna, but still continues to eat tuna and call vegans – who care about both – hypocrites? And another thing, how is he so sure that there where less conflicts in family dinners before? Based on the painting?

  8. It’s pretty weird to make a video about how to have holiday dinners with your family and approach conversations “like a scientist” and then go into some weird rant about how vegans and wildlife activists are hypocrites. It just sounds like this video is just an excuse for him to frame his own dumb positions on things are “how a scientist thinks,” which is just so egotistical. I wonder if he realizes that doing science at some point in your life does not therefor make every belief you have scientific. There’s nothing in this video about using the scientific method to test your own beliefs or anything to do with science. It’s just “I consider myself a scientists and here are my positions on social justice and animal rights.” The self importance of NDGT is really something.

  9. As a vegan, although I don’t even hurt or bother mosquitos(personally, I simply catch and release EVERYTHING), I do see your point of them “being a threat to us”.
    Although 99% of the times mosquitoes don’t pose big enough of a threat(carrying serious enough of a disease) to justify taking a life. I personally believe we humans morally have no right upon judgement of another sentient being’s right to life.
    But here’s my question for you and fellow vegans on the consistency logic: how about roaches, Beatles, ants, spiders, pillbugs, and etc.? Those pose no direct personal threat or anything to the human body? If they are intruders, then remember that you are technically an intruder in their natural habitat with our unnatural structures being cities, neighborhoods, and buildings. I’m sure there are many vegans out there who would scream and kill a cockroach simply because of a logic-less reason that they grew up being taught to be scared of cockroaches and they are “dirty”. But if you truly care and respect that sentient creature’s right to life, you would go out of your way to catch and release. Trust me, for someone who has been doing this for years, there are many good catch and release contraptions out there on the internet.

  10. Why isn't he worried about the fact that animal agricultura is such a polluter, that about 81% of land from agriculture is use for animals and that it polutes water, soil, air.
    As a scientist you would think he should give a damn about the climate change, but appearently his taste buda matter more. Cognitive disonance at it's finest.

  11. If he thinks animal activists only like furry animals, he hasn't talked to nearly enough people. Personally, my favorite animal is the orca and my spirit animal is the mako shark. I mean…. But beyond the marine biologist in me, I'm also raising a corn snake and an African tortoise. I hope to have other reptiles in the future, if I get the opportunity to rescue others. As to bugs, I only ever kill one who bites me, and honestly, that's more reflex. Even scorpions, who are prolific where I live, get scooped into a cup and taken outside. Cockroaches, which I am pretty sure are Satan's spawn and creep me the f*ck out, get scooped up and removed. But maybe he would just assume I am an outlier, who knows?


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