The Last Empire

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22 thoughts on “The Last Empire”

  1. No Scriptural prophecies foretell the last human government on earth will be a communistic socialistic empire… just more "RED BULL" from Irvin Baxter's son in law. Their teachings lead to Christian Zionism, that places more faith in modern events than what the Bible actually says!

  2. Dave Robbins is eat up with the Antichrist kingdom theory… if you read your Bible often, you'll know that antichrist(s) are mentioned by John 4 times in his epistles (1John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7). The word antichrist is never mentioned in the book of Revelation, not once!

  3. Who do you think closed down everything during covid? World Health Organization. Someone had video showing Trump was a globalist. Don't know if it's true or not. America should have never been locked down.

  4. The beast's seven heads are seven kings (Revelation 17:10) and Nero, is the sixth king "who is", who was alive and the emperor reigning at the time John was writing Revelation. The five kings who have fallen were Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius; Galba is the one who "has not yet come, but when he does come, he must remain for a little while". Rome was known in antiquity as the city of seven hills (Revelation 17:9) and Revelation was a warning about events that were "shortly" to take place in the first century (Revelation 1:1).

  5. Revelation 13:5 says that the beast would continue for 42 months. The "Neronic" persecution was instituted in AD 64 and lasted until his death in June AD 68, which is three and a half years, or 42 months!

  6. Red in the Bible is not representation of " Communism " lying dave. It's the nation that YOU were born into, EDOM. " Esau is the END of the world and JACOB is the beginning of it that followeth " ( 2 Esdras 6:9 )

  7. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow worked as a KGB spy. Russia/USSR spent several decades infiltrating the West, placing communist agents and assets in all institutions, both political and religious. The USSR staged its own collapse (Perestroika Deception). 60 million Soviet communists did not suddenly become democratic capitalists overnight. Moscow calls itself "The Third Rome". So you AGREE with the likes of Sister Lucia, Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Fr. Malachi Martin that Russia would spread communism (among other diabolical errors, such as Theosophy/New Age Movement) throughout the whole world, yet continue to err when you desperately try to link world communism with a "revived Holy Roman Empire", despite the fact that the Holy Roman Empire was a Catholic Monarchical form of rule, while by total contrast and opposition, communism seeks to impliment state atheism (man in place of God). If you'd simply ditch John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield, you might be able to finally solve the final piece of the puzzle, since you're actually digging a lot deeper than most American evangelical teachers are willing to.

  8. Donald trump is pro world government as well. Don’t know why most “Christians” are so love struck & can’t see that. It doesn’t take extensive research to see what’s right before our eyes. But they always have to make it look like we really have choices when we don’t. Voting is a sham. Wake up & stop loving the world. & So called Christian Holidays are not biblical… they are simply catholic doctrine.

  9. There is NO literal mark of the beast. There are TWO groups of people on the earth. Believers and unbelievers. NOT TWO GROUPS of unbelievers. (Those with the mark and those without the mark.) Is the Church, Body, Bride, Wife, SEPARATE GROUPS?


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