Rampage had some baffling booking: Bryan & Vinny Show

Bryan, Vinny, and Craig discuss the Shane Taylor debut, the setup to FTR vs. The Acclaimed for Dynamite this Wednesday, and …


43 thoughts on “Rampage had some baffling booking: Bryan & Vinny Show”

  1. Tony could have done what Billy Corgan did when he bought the NWA, have the champions travel to different promotions to defend the belts while setting things for Powerrrr with ROH. I don't remember a single person foaming at the mouth for ROH to be brought back so quickly when Tony announced the purchase, I don't know why he decided to put extra pressure upon himself and damage AEW's booking in the process

  2. TK can't book lol he just throws together these 'dream matches' and the wrestlers put them ion. TK tries anything long term and it sucks. No wrestling background or experience, just comes in and starts booking a multi dollar promotion lmao.

  3. This show sucks AEW sucks the way this site makes excuses and try to act like it’s good is pathetic. But it’s cool keep it up keep doing it huge reason why AEW will never ever grow they gonna stay in the mud where they are now .

  4. I imagine that AEW is trying a more "sports-like" type booking. So just because two guys are feuding, that doesn't mean their next 5 matches will be against each other. It'd be like watching football, two coaches are feuding on twitter, then wondering why they aren't playing each other soon. But if there's some rematch clause in AEW, then it's weird Wardlow isn't using it?

  5. Well it was a fun 3 years for AEW but they're clearly losing the Optics battle… now that Triple H has taken over creative in WWE with returns & Michael Cole being able to say wrestling, the tide has changed with the fans. I think most fans were just waiting for the opportunity to like WWE more even with just ok storylines & HHH booking as much wrestling as Tony Khan has….I honestly think the bar is so low in WWE it wouldn't have taken much for the fans to sway their opinion but with Tony Khan having questionable booking and the drama with CM Punk getting more headlines than the actual lack of story lines AEW already has, the tide has clearly changed. What's funny to me is so many people are just waiting for AEW's downfall when as soon as they're done and out of business WWE is going to be so much worse than they are now… smh, they're only better when they have competition so why would people want an entire wrestling organization to go under??? Even wrestling media will take a hit because they won't have as much content to produce. Just about all of Jim cornett's content would probably disappear why because he trashes AEW more than he applauds WWE…. I don't get it but like I said it was fun for 3 years. Give me my rock and wrestling error Attitude Era and ruthless aggression era on YouTube on repeat I'll be okay.

  6. If you have to act like you actually work for some fictitious board of directors for AEW, and weirdly/parasocially mention stuff like: “well, this is happening because they need to sell the idea of an ROH show to a network.”, the ratings, or behind the scenes drama, just to defend the product… youv’e forgotten how to watch the fictional television show that you feel in love with when you were a kid. You’re trapped in the wrestling bubble and you need air.

  7. AEW has been such a letdown. For a brief moment in history, it seemed like a legit alternative to the garbage kid shows WWE produces. It sure started off great. Now it’s just plain horrible. I’m going back to watching reruns of Threes Company on Wednesday nights. I’m done with all this wrestling crap.

  8. May as well put a steak into the heart of aew. This product has fallen off hard since buying roh. Give it another year or two and this company will be dead on arrival

  9. Great to see Bryan and the rest of the guys finally come around to calling out Tony Khan and his nonsensical hotshot booking.

    The guy has been spiraling out of control more and more each year.

    Rampage is a non-entity.
    Ring of Honor has taken up too much TV.
    And championship matches booked with 5 days notice are just not going to help anybody.

  10. ROH has killed AEW. Plain and simple. It's as if TK used Forbidden Door to test how far he could push the fans with all the overlapping promotions, it sold well, so he thought it would continue to work with ROH. It has not worked…

  11. In storyline terms, Swerve hasn’t actually ever wronged Keith Lee. Sure he slapped him but it was KL who ditched him during a title match.

    Obviously Swerve is going to fully screw KL over eventually but as it stands, Swerve hasn’t betrayed KL in any way.

  12. The Gunns are going to interfere & cost FTR the AEW tag titles, setting up a tag title match between FTR and the gunns at the ring of honor pay-per-view. I can see it from a mile away.

    So sad this is being wasted as a hot shot ratings grab on Dynamite instead of being built up for a major Dynamite show like Winter is Coming, or at the RoH PPV, or at Evolution.

  13. Why would the AEW tag titles be defended on an ROH ppv, and your comment about hot shot booking due to Dynamite's rating doesn't make any sense. Rampage was filmed before the rating for Dynamite was known. Also, YoY for the same week the total viewrship was only down about 20K viewers.

  14. Remember when Becky Lynch came back at Summerslam last year in the middle of a feud between Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks, who was missing because….???

    That's what this feels like except with Juice Robinson, who I expect to turn out to be the Bobby Fish of the Bullet Club going forward.

    That being said, I actually think Darby vs. Joe is going to be a really fun match. Joe beating the ever living shit out of Darby is going to be a treat.

  15. These are like Bryan's old TNA reviews, hilarious and sad to see for AEW.
    This ROH stuff for the past few months has not only actively hurt AEW but is even turning people against the ROH brand. At this point if ROH even gets a tv deal I won't have any interest in watching it, I just want it off AEW tv.

  16. Why would you build for a title match but continue to book matches for that same title against other wrestlers? You're pretty much telling us the finish of the matches already. Because if they won and the title switched hands, whats the point of promoting the match your trying to build to?

  17. Only wrestlers getting over in AEW are the wrestlers that would get over with or without decent booking. Khan needs to hire a booking team and a writing team. Simple as that. Booking and writing different from WWE. Give the wrestlers their say, more so than WWE does, but DO NOT let the inmates run the prison.

  18. AEW Has All The Pieces To Have 1 Mil. Shows Every Week. The Problem Is WWE’s Resurgence & TK Doing To Much To Get ROH Off The Ground. He Needs Help ASAP. I Believe They’ll Find The Answer Though.

  19. I didn't mind it , really.

    And , isn't this the same song and dance regarding AEW/RoH's PPVs ?
    They're not "wElL bUiLt" (while being as vague as possible about what do you all mean by that) but always end up delivering
    Maybe Bryan needs to keep track of the shows and stop expecting immediate gratification, as with many Wrestling "fans" as of late


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