Here's what happened the German Shepherd in the Shelter for over 365 Days | Pupdate for Wang & more

Get some of my treats that Kobe obviously loves ๐Ÿ˜†โค๏ธ for your dog! and get ready for updates on Wang the King German Shepherd, Dory, Katie, Nigel and more ๐Ÿถ

๐ŸถJOIN to support and be a part of what I am doing:

๐Ÿถ Say hello to me:

To send mail or art for me to read to the dogs during mail time segments:
Rocky Kanaka
24046 Clinton Keith Rd Ste 101 Box 225
Wildomar CA 92595-8060


26 thoughts on “Here's what happened the German Shepherd in the Shelter for over 365 Days | Pupdate for Wang & more”

  1. Thanks for all you do and for the pupdates! My OCD English issues cause me to correct you on pronunciation. Re-PREEVE. Long e sound. Sorry – I cannot stop myself ๐Ÿ™‚ Offered with kind thoughts.

  2. Just discovered your channel from Youtube recommandations in France here (through the original video with Wang). As a GSD owner and lover of the race i'm very touched by this dog and the way you handled the approach. Every dog shouldn't be in a shelter, but there is a thing in sheperds that makes them some of the worst to be there. They are so close to humans, and so sensitive that they don't get what's happening to them, and being all curled up like that in a corner isn't a big surprise. Mine would just turn into a corner, reactive, barking distressed dog i a few days i'm sure of that.
    Your channel is a godsend for all those dogs.

  3. Wang is simply abeautiful boy!! I truly wish someone close or that can take him is able bc I feel he is in desperate need of TLC. I wish I could rescue one or all of them. Iโ€™d quite my job to care for dogs if I was able too. They deserve so much goodness and love ๐Ÿ’™. My bulldog is not super friendly to other dogs sheโ€™s very territorial although she makes friends but Iโ€™ve been down this road w her and I just simply cannot. I pray that someone else can! What a sweetie he his! ๐Ÿ™

  4. me and animal shelters bad .id want to let em all out..
    im not belaying down not sitting.. laying down would be submission in the dog world.. laying with your faces down forehead resting on crossed arms causes them to come check you out as will laying down..youre no threat.. if your concern is germs and dirty floors why would even go near any animal.

  5. Regarding Nigel's video (handsome fellow, BTW), "positive affirmation" is redundant. ๐Ÿค“ "Affirmation" IS positive. You give affirmations. You are affirming him. ๐Ÿ˜Š Now Koa! Thank you to the couple who adopted him!

  6. Always impresses me how you filter out the cacophony of the rest of the shelter. There are subtle hints of the true background levels, but not many. A technical question: Is there another microphone that samples that background noise, used to help filter out the "unwanted" noises from Rocky's mic recording, from the final audio?

  7. My Wang shirt is my favorite tee!!! I am so happy he got adopted. I own a GSD and she is the best dog ever. GSD is such a great breed but they need lots of exercise…I walk or run my girl every single day…rain/wind/snow. She loves our long runs (6+ miles).


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