The Iron Suitor: Victarion Gets a Fire Hand – ADWD read-through – A Song of Ice and Fire

Featuring @GreyWasteTim Victarion’s ADWD chapters – there are only 2 – are absolutely incredible real-time theological fusions. Vic is a lost Ironborn, given a fire hand by a red priest, and did he just sacrifice a maester to please the storm god? Yikes!

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Grey Waste Tim:


50 thoughts on “The Iron Suitor: Victarion Gets a Fire Hand – ADWD read-through – A Song of Ice and Fire”

  1. Hey David, how can I catch you for 15 min to run an idea by you? I tried it via e-mail (which likely tells you how old I am 😂) but I can’t seem to get through to you. Great work!

  2. 44, russian american, goth,,favorite band is Tool, 2nd Radiohead, 3rd NIN, 4th Wu Tang, 5th The Avalanches/Tied with Flying Lotus.
    58:10 Credentialed in nursing, but currently helping to run an adult toy boutique with the goal to own it. Also work in event sales ticketing AND i help run the social media page for our store. I help my friend, that is a big name in our local community and who has opened for GZA, get his social media accounts more engaged.
    in case it isn’t wildly obvious, i come home after my sunday shift at the sex store and get high af and watch theory vids and then spam comment the most random shit 😆 I appreciate you all suffering me 😂

  3. You both are fantastic as always, Tim is great I love his guest streams. But please Dave consider not dabbing on stream. It completely ruins the flow, you're not listening, you lose your place. It takes 5 or 10 minutes at least to get back on track. Im sorry to say I'm tempted to turn off every time. Coming from a daily smoker myself, dont mix work and pleasure you'll never be taken seriously.

  4. Euron is definitely counting on Victarion trying to steal Dany for himself. Either way, they'll come to Westeros at some point. The only thing better than stealing your brother's wife, is stealing your brother's second wife, apparently.

  5. I noticed that Aegon the Conqueror spent a fortnight in Sisterton, and when the Ironborn were on their knees, various people were suggesting who should be overlords over them. He listened patiently to all of them, but in the end decided to let them elect one of their own to be their new leader. Why didn't he tame them with a Tully overlord, or crush them forever? They're never going to not be a threat, so why'd he let them off the hook? Seems against his character…

  6. So I don't think the girl is under Euron direct control: don't forget that she is probably from the summer islands and that Rhlor followers have rarely good reputation, I don't think Moquorro is a problem for Euron (if my memory is correct, he himslef has Rhlor's priests in custody in WoW). But the girl is, as Victarion guest, an other poisoned gift. Moquorro wants Daenny (he isn't alone anyway) for Rhlor, maybe he wants to use Drangonbinder himslef and I guess…he is some kind of fire's other, that's why I think monkeys, and more or less anyone, can't stand him easy. Anyway he won't stands against Euron's plans no chance, everything Victarion do is under Euron control.

  7. Aww man. Had I caught this live, I definitely would've pointed out that infamous "You're a big guy" "For you" exchange in the Dark Knight Rises was between Bane and Aiden Gillen, aka Littlefinger

  8. Vic’s lobstered hand is the squishers and the ocean catching the meteor (the sword) and then it is corrupted. The black stone in his stomach mentioned at the beginning of the chapter is a symbol of the corruption inside him now from the sword (the meteor). I think this means it is very possible that the source of corruption in the heart of winter will be a huge black stone. It seems like everywhere there is corruption in the story, black stone is somewhere close either in a physical or symbolic sense.

  9. It's Euron who poisoned Victarion! Perhaps with the cup! Eurons gifts are poisoned! Or with help of the Duskey Woman. Or both. He could literally have gotten Shade of the Evening in his blood, giving him prophetic nightmares!

  10. I think Victarion is another character who gets a bum wrap as being a dummy. I know GRRM said he's dumb as a stump, but if you really examine his inner monologue it's apparent that he actually doesn't miss much. He immediately realized what Euron was up to when he gave the shield islands to the subordinates of his rivals. And he even figured the dusky woman was a trap when Euron first offered her to him. He only accepted her because Euron implied he'd hurt her if Vic refused her. He's not smart enough to keep up with Euron but not many people are. Euron's like a cross between Baelish and Blood Raven.
    I think Vic's biggest disadvantage is a deficit of information and being cumbered by certain principles. Euron runs circles around Vic cause he's willing to do things most men wouldn't. Namely kinslaying and traffic in dark magics, among other things. But that doesn't make Vic dumb.

  11. Making a second comment after finishing the full re-upload.

    Victarion surviving long enough to kill a Kings Guard…hmmm Darkstar anyone? Could also be fun for Jaime as well considering he doesn’t have a hand anymore, and Victarion has this new fire hand. Just some thoughts 🙂

  12. Yes, I think The Dusky Woman is a magic user, but not a woodswitch, they follow the Old Goods. I think she is a Maegi of the east. Euron is collecting magic users.

    I think she has some sort of charm, spell or psionic power to influence Victarion. He think he should refuse her, he don't. He think he is going to kill her as soon as they get out to sea. He don't. Instead he starts sleeping with her. It could be basic psychological manipulation, self-deception and even some genuin but twisted affection. Then George like to sprinkle a little of magic on top.

    Moqorro is driving out her influence with fire. Victarion is just about to give the order to kill him, when the pain in his hand drives out the power of The Dusky Woman, and suddenly he is under Moqorros spell instead.

    She sees him for what he is, but she is also recognising that he is so much stronger. He is the new master.


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