The Expedition – Desolate, forgotten worlds: Volume 1

“After finding another anomaly within Hyperspace, one fleet of the Expedition has found themselves nearby HD-485c, and while at first it was thought to have been possibly a life supporting planet, life seems to have phased out entirely here, only fossils and remnants of old civilisations remain.”

Special thanks to radeline for rendering this video.

00:00 – radeline & cetiblue – Landing
01:08 – cubicApocalypse – Desolation
06:46 – cubicApocalypse – Evidence of extensive volcanism
11:56 – 1583637 – Extinction’s mark
19:11 – cubicApocalypse – Once by the shoreline
24:59 – radeline & cetiblue – Thoughts among the lands
29:35 – cetiblue – What once was
31:59 – cubicApocalypse – Lines in the dust
36:11- Black Boulder – Admiring the landscape
38:12- cetiblue – Fossilised remains scattered
43:32 – radeline – Their time came
48:49 – 1583637 & cetiblue – Little traces remain
54:37 – cetiblue – Coming back to orbit



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