The Brutal Fate Of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen(Dance Of The Dragons) House Of The Dragon History & Lore

Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was trapped on Dragonstone by her brother King Aegon ii with no way to escape her fate. What was …


47 thoughts on “The Brutal Fate Of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen(Dance Of The Dragons) House Of The Dragon History & Lore”

  1. Dance of the dragons is a straight up tragedy, Both Ageon and Rhaenyra died, and they saw they're wife's/husbands, mothers and children perish, And they started the downfall of the Targaryen family, what's the line, they would never be as powerful or prospers again! killing Aryes and Rheagar was only killing a family that was a pale shadow of their greatness,

  2. To think rhaenyra spared alicent s life out of respect for her father. But alicent s son didnt spare her life. Alicent s son was not the real ruler. In the show we see alicent being jealous of the pregnant arryn queen. Also she wields a knife at rheanyra. She s disgusting

  3. Her life and death reminds me of Mary Stuart. Mary had rumors about her too of sleeping around, and the question of her child’s legitimacy was questioned like Rhaenyra too. And just like Mary Stuart of Scots, her son ruled and she had a brutal death ☠️

  4. Viserys should've married off Daemon and Rhaenyra after he names Rhaenyra his heir. Marrying Alicent hightower was a mistake. If you think about it, the Prince that was promised came from the line of blood from Daemon and Rhaenyra's and not that of Viserys and Alicent. "From my blood come the Prince that was promised, and his will be The Song of Ice and Fire"

  5. I dont have sympathy for a woman that made it personal. Yes her son got killed. But then she dint go after the murder no she whent after little children. Thus making it a blood feud.
    And lets not forget her 3 strong bastards. Which her zealous deffence of some bloodright made her brother take the throne in deffence.

  6. In all honesty Viserys should have named aegon the second his heir and unnamed rhaenyra this would have prevented a LOT of bloodshed.
    1)Aegon the Conqueror became king instead visenya
    2)Jaherys named baelor his heir after his fist son aemon died instead of aemons daughter.
    3)The council which people claim set the precedence wasn't even against viserys and the Queen who never was(forgotten her name) but against viserys and her son lenore. So her right to rule wasn't even considered.
    4) viserys was chosen by that council.
    5) most of the lords who swore to rhaenyra were dead.
    6) if rhaenyra was allowed to seat the iron throne then her bastards would be king after her.
    So king viserys was pretty foolish to name rhaenyra his heir, if he didn't want her right contested then why would he remarry?

  7. If Rhaenyra had taken the opportunity to actually be a sister to Aegon. To build a bond with him, instead of pouting and being sullen about her friend’s marriage to her father, I think this could have been avoided. If she had made more of an effort to be on good terms with her father, she wouldn’t have let Otto Hightower drive a wedge between them. She might’ve seen what was coming. It’s clear in episode 3 that she is not even trying at all. Three years passed, they as a family should have been over this crap. My God! That’s her family. She could’ve made amends with her father and grown closer to him and Alicent again and this would not have happened. I was on Rhaenyra’s side, but she brought a lot of this on herself. She needs to get over herself and stop being so self-centered. It’s not all about her. Her father had to marry somebody. He chose Alicent. Yeah it was a shock, but damn, get over it. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s better than having a 12 year old for a stepmother.


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