Fantasia Says She and Family Were Racially Profiled by neighbors while at an AirBnB . #fantasia #fa

Fantasia Says She and Family Were Racially Profiled by neighbors while at an AirBnB
#fantasia #fantasiabarrino #airbnb


30 thoughts on “Fantasia Says She and Family Were Racially Profiled by neighbors while at an AirBnB . #fantasia #fa”

  1. That happen at my home in DC a resident asked me if I used the service entrance because he didn’t know that I like in the building. This gay white man was so racist 1735 R street in DC next to the Riggsbey’s hotel it was sad and I moved out 😂.

  2. For the most it was a color thing, purchasing a airbnb is not the solution, there isn't a solution to racism, Parents who travel alot , are guilty, the children often get what they want , not what they need.Mom wanted to celebrate at home, but here we are.Theres no place like home.😊

  3. Me and my family was put out the same way. We had a place in Vegas 5 bedrooms with a pool. Play room everything for the kids. And we just got in at 745 that evening and by 1015. They were knocking at the door saying that we need to get out because we're too loud. We were getting ready to go to bed because the kids were excited about the pool, so I told them go to bed so you guys can get app and enjoy the pool all day tomorrow. Because it was my granddaughter's birthday, so I took 2 of her friends with her and my niece and my nephew's was there. I didn't understand what was the problem. But I do feel that it was a racist thing. And we had so much food because we were supposed to be there. For 4 dand we have to get all the food out of the future rider.
    And I end up losing a lot of my food because I had nowhere to start. It only place we could go was that night was to stay at Motel 6. I was so upset. I had to have these kids at Motel 6 but the next morning I made reservations and we were able to stay in circus circus for the child's day but, I had to get 4 rooms and I didn't even have that to pay for but God made a way and we enjoyed the rest of the. Time on our trip. But I feel you about how people will do you when you pay your money. I still didn't get my money back I only got back half of my money and I did not understand that so I'm still trying to get that and that's has been at least a year. So God bless you and your family. I know how you fbill

  4. I get it but if I gotta go to work at 3am idc bout your race nd I'm definitely complaining bc I've gotta get my rest nd idc bout your quiet events that are still loud to me the struggling average hard working individual. I'm not by any means passing judgement but some if us have sleep deprivation and it could me misconstrued just like maybe we could've not complained. ILY Fantasia but this could be both / different. But if that was the case I get that too.

  5. Definitely racism was blended in that situation because you are black and famous and they are jealous at the fact you are rich well known smart talented individual. I will try to stay away from those Karen neighborhoods. Its very horrible to go through that where you live its so sad. I keep telling people and family all the time racism and discrimination really exist they just doing it in a different way by complaining and lying on black people in the wrong. How crude and mean of them. They will reap what they sow and trust me God will handle his way! I had to learn that about God let him take over and control them people his way only then forget about what they did towards you and watch you may see God's power!!

  6. i doubt it was racially bc it’s happened in my neighborhood and it’s mostly all white! we have been called on multiple times so it’s prob just a Karen who is miserable with her life or jealous!


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