Texas Seizes Cartel Island in the Rio Grande in Risky First-of-a-Kind Operation

Read more: https://cis.org/Bensman/Texas-Seizes-Large-Sanctuary-Island-Campaign-Against-Cartels

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently decided in ordering his Texas military force and state police to retake “Fronton Island” by force and to hold it, come what may.


26 thoughts on “Texas Seizes Cartel Island in the Rio Grande in Risky First-of-a-Kind Operation”

  1. Our loose, undefended border has a monetary benefit to some organization within the US Gov. There's no other explanation for it. There's corruption on both sides keeping our border deliberately porous to invading criminals..

  2. All that money that they paid to cross the border, you could live like a king or a queen in Mexico 20,000 15,000 that’s like 20 million in Mexico, 15 million 😂100%😂 the first 20,000 I get moving to Mexico 😂🎉🥃

  3. they need to declare wars on mexicans drug cartels. they are destroying US thru drugs. Mexican government are corrupt seems they protecting them.100K died in US thru drugs. send all best miltary and special ops to destroy them. Mexican government wont do nothn on this. they are busy waging war on middle east and yet these drug cartels destroying ameirican lives

  4. the federal government has failed it's duty to protect our border but let's be honest, abbot took his sweet time to take action. it's all a game of drag it out until americans lose interest/stop paying attention

  5. $5 buck say half of those agents are on the cartels payroll. even The City of Roma PD won't share communications with the feds. Im surprised they recovered that cache. Most of the time when they find cell phones or other cartel related items, law enforcement just throws that in the river they're too scared to recover the items. For the most part the NG and BP dont like to communicate with each other. Plenty of times NG troops reported illegal activity and BP failed to respond to offer back up. The whole 956 sector border protection system is a joke

  6. Technically that island belongs to no one because it's located in the river system. Honestly I wouldn't mind taking out the ones there and claiming it for my own. I just need to make a silly flag to put up. 🤣


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