TemTem Official Tournament SnrPlat Vs Allie Game 1! CRAZIEST PVP MATCH EVER!

Both players entered the furthest point in the winners bracket in this TemTem official tournament matchup. The craziest matchup I have ever seen!

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#temtem #pokemon #tournament


3 thoughts on “TemTem Official Tournament SnrPlat Vs Allie Game 1! CRAZIEST PVP MATCH EVER!”

  1. I'm trying so hard to support tem with my limited time (a lot of hours at work leave me with very little game time).

    I buy novas and stay on discord, YouTube, etc.

    As someone with the finger on the pulse of the community, how does it seem to you? I get the vibe it's in a weird place of active yet grasping for a wider audiance.


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