Death Note: Why the Anime's Second Half Actually Sucked

Tetsuro Araki crying rn

○ Written Review:

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○ Chapters:
0:00 – Introduction
1:41 – What is the Actual Problem?
4:08 – Inner Monologue Has Taken a Hit
9:00 – Destroying the Details
14:02 – Removing What Made Death Note Special

○ Sources:
All Major Differences Between Anime and Manga –

○ Music:
the WORLD – Nightmare (Death Note)
What’s up, people? – Maximum the Hormone (Death Note)
Speak – Ken Arai (Parasyte)
Near 2 – Hideki Taniuchi (Death Note)
Create Nothing – Dated
Saiku – Hideki Taniuchi (Death Note)
Black Hole Universe – Nobuaki Kaneko (No More Heroes III)
Death Drive Console Beat – DJ Kazuhiro “MEEBEE” Abo, DJ 1-2 (Travis Strikes Again)

#deathnote #anime #manga


26 thoughts on “Death Note: Why the Anime's Second Half Actually Sucked”

  1. For me L’s death was the last straw. The plot development after Misa got introduced became much messier. Misa was a chaotic element which in theory is interesting but it was no longer the super delicate cat and mouse mind game that really pulled me into it. The lead up to L’s death was so convoluted so when he actually died I was just disappointed like the end of this battle of wits was concluded by plot randomness and plot convenience.

  2. You raise good points about the cuts in the anime. However I read the manga around the same time that I watched the anime and in both mediums I didn't love the 2nd half. It's still entertaining but it wasn't great anymore like the first half. At least until the ending which I still love. So the manga still shares the decrease in quality.

  3. I remember talking to a big Death Note fan about how the last 3rd in the anime was done poorly and I was shocked to hear that. I may not be much of a manga reader but I do plan to read Death Note at some point.

  4. In my opinion, it kinda all went downhill after Misa's introduction. She turned the entire series from a critically well-thought psychological thriller to "we have a really cool plot point, let's find a way to get there in 30 chapters". Incorporating a chaotic, rogue element like Misa threw off the pacing and intellectual combat of the story. Also, she's really poorly written. Her main character traits are being hot, dumb, and in love with Light.

  5. Haven't watched yet, but it is definitely L's death. People really liked L as a character and generally don't respond well to change. I used to feel the same way, but after rewatching death note years later, I actually liked the last 3rd, but the Yotsuba Group arc was a slog to get though.

  6. wow, i didn't know this! i've been a fan of the anime for a couple of years and while i didn't *dis*like the second part, i also figured i'd probably never watch it again on my own. but this video put the changes in perspective and now i'm considering reading the manga soon! thank you, and great video ^_^

  7. Doesn't Near never inner monologue? He's always just talking. To me it came off like Near was an unstoppable force of nature, out for blood. L felt like a person, while Near did not. Which for the anime felt right. I don't feel like there was much character behind Near, and that actually made sense. The route the anime went, Near didn't need to be a character.

    His theme even reflects this. He's a kid who plays with toys and solves murders confidently and has a brain like a robot. Him not questioning himself as much makes sense.

  8. There are 3 things I don't like about the second half:
    The kidnapping – it's pretty boring, Mello isn't an interesting character for me so when he died later I was like "Yeah ok, good".
    Near's undevelopment – he seems like a worse copy of L. I don't mind him being smart, after all he's L's successor, but L had a personality, Near almost doesn't, he just plays with toys and solves the case, there's a bit of a relationship with Mello but it's just not as well shown as L and Light's.
    Replicating the death note – I don't mind Light losing but how he lost. There is literally no way to replicate the entire death note perfectly in one night. I would have prefered if they replaced all blank pages within the real notebook.
    But there are 2 changes I really like about the ending:
    How Light isn't begging Ryuk to save him, he instead runs away and dies in peace, alone.
    How Mikami doesn't turn on Light, he admired and worshipped him so it makes sense that seeing his god loose would ruin his whole mind, therefore he doesn't see a reason to live anymore.

  9. One thing I adore about the second half is introducing Mikami. His devotion to Kira and being his right hand is a nice change to plot. He's similar to Light, they both have the same sense of justice, but his comes from a different experience, he doesn't want glory and being the best, it's the opposite, he wants to serve justice and his new god. He's in so few episodes yet we understand his character perfectly. Shame he was introduced so late, wish we saw him from the start of the second part. Also love his extra scenes in death note OVA. DELETE DELETE DELETE!
    Theory: I think if we saw Mikami picking the death note first, he wouldn't be caught for lot more years. I doubt he would get mad at Lind L Tailor for saying he's evil in TV. He doesn't have such an ego so it wouldn't matter to him. He would just think of himself as a God's hand.

  10. I will watch this one day but it’s sucks cause it wasn’t even bad it’s just after watching u realise it was painfully obvious light would lose like why would they make him win again

  11. Having read the manga and knowing a lot of people who have dropped the anime when the later half started, it's been getting harder and harder to suggest the anime anymore.

    I am currently watching the anime with my father. I have been giving him more context for minor cuts in the first half, but honestly I don't know what to do in the second half.

    It's a real shame because part 2 has some amazing deductions. The X-Kira deduction chapter is one of my favourite scenes in the entire series. It's one of those things that seems obvious in hindsight, but it requires nothing less than a genius woth hyper-attention to actually reach that conclusion.

    Near was indeed more intelligent than L, something that anime-onlys will often ridicule.

  12. The first 15 or so episodes were amazing and I feel the quality really dipped before L's death honestly found it really hard to get through the second half. The first and second half's feel like 2 completely different shows


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