Slaves to Darkness Review – Faction Focus Guide [Age of Sigmar]

3rd Edition Battletome for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, review and new player guide leading into the GHB 2023 season. Games Workshop. Please Enjoy

00:00 TLDR
00:14 Propaganda
05:39 Models
07:15 Playstyle
08:51 Rules
15:34 Subfactions
18:15 Units
18:28 Heroes
28:51 Troops
30:41 Cavalry
32:35 Glass Cannons
33:59 Stuff
35:43 Memes
37:58 Trash
40:47 Fun
42:04 Conclusion


44 thoughts on “Slaves to Darkness Review – Faction Focus Guide [Age of Sigmar]”

  1. I hope my disclaimer in that cultist section came through well enough – many of them are decent/niche, like golems 3+ save, ravager pre-game move, furies movement/command farm with eternus, it's just they're all outclassed strongly by snakes/deepstrike dudes in the chaff+ role. Your army list can afford more suboptimal choices than many people think – I just don't want to trick anyone.

  2. I'm coming into this having only been introduced to AoS through your channel in the last month or so.
    1. This was incredibly well done!
    2. Absolutely died at Bobby Brickolini.
    3. Could we hope for one of these vids for Sylvaneth in the near future?

  3. Originally wanted to suggest a very bad but the very thematic army consisting of Archaon and 4 units of 3 vanguard, each unit being dedicated to one chaos god. Only just go's over 2000 points however so that's unfortunate (2020 points)

  4. awesome, their were my first army but i got some soulblight after they came out and i kinda forgot about my chaos boys but i really need to buy the new models and start playing with them again. i hope they are better than before or maybe i was just bad but they looked so amating but then get beaten in every aspekt by some wierd lizard guys.

  5. One of the biggest problems chaos warriors in Warhammer Fantasy has had since the 90s, is that an army full of chaos warriors was almost never viable in any edition of the game. Aside from a brief period in 8th edition, you couldn't really field chaos warriors and have a successful army.

    Now GW has released easily some of the best fantasy miniatures they've ever created, and certainly the best chaos warrior miniatures of all time. I had to buy a bunch they're so good…

    That and the picture you paint of a chaos warrior filled army being viable, has almost tempted me to try playing AoS again…

    … almost…

    … but then I remember all the nightmare games I had right after Dominion was released and how the game was about as fun as doing your taxes while having your hands smashed with a hammer…

    Your video was amazing and had me laughing hysterically throughout…

    … sadly, your video was more fun than I've ever had playing AoS…

    … but I am almost tempted to play Slaves to Darkness because of it… almost…

  6. I made a list that I’m quite sure will be fun but incredibly swingy.

    legion of the first prince with everything being undivided. Be’lakor included for general annoyance.

    The warlord takes the instant roll trait. The wizard takes the roll spell. The entire army is built around maximizing the use of the eye of the gods table with the centaurion marshall just being generally annoying by rallying Knights, Warriors and Chosen (who take the double roll banner so they can double roll as soon as they’re deployed) on a 5+. Legionnaires and Furies included as chaff.

    Is it good? Absolutely not. But, I think it will be quite fun.

  7. I've been a 40k fan for a while but a combination of the Total War Warhammer games and your videos have really turned my eye towards Fantasy/AoS. Combine that with the only thing holding me back from AoS were the old Seraphon models, and the fact that they're soon to be updated means my wallet is about to hurt again.


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