Inside Look: Building World's Largest Articulated Hauler – Volvo A60 in Sweden | WELT Documentary

Inside Look: Building the World’s Largest Articulated Hauler, the Volvo A60 in Brass, Southern Sweden

The Volvo A60 is the largest articulated hauler in the world, capable of transporting up to 55 metric tons of cargo with a total weight of nearly 100 metric tons. Built in southern Sweden, the A60 is the largest vehicle produced in this factory with most parts fitted by robots. The factory had to be converted for the hauler since it is bigger than any other vehicle produced there. The A60 is powered by a six-cylinder inline engine with a displacement of 16 liters and 673 horsepower. The dump body is custom-built in-house and can hold up to around 34 tons. The A60 is affectionately known as the “beast” on construction sites around the world.

55 TONS IN ONE GO: The XXL Hauler–Volvo A60H | WELT Documetary

The Volvo A60 is the largest articulated dump truck in the world. It can transport up to 55 tons of material effortlessly. Its total weight is almost 100 tons when fully loaded. The XXL dumper is built in Braås in southern Sweden. Here, around 550 employees manufacture six different dumper models. It is the largest vehicle manufactured at the plant, and due to their weight only a few parts can be installed without a crane.

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47 thoughts on “Inside Look: Building World's Largest Articulated Hauler – Volvo A60 in Sweden | WELT Documentary”

  1. I thought these trucks were big, then I heard max load of 55ton LOL. I then realized I load trucks with 6 -8 steel coils at a time, those trucks are transporting about 350,000lbs of steel around sometimes

  2. Amazing engineering but I wouldn't like to work on the assembly line building the things. It looks like boring repetitive soul destroying work. Still, it's better than shoveling shit or serving rich idiots in restaurants.

  3. Where did the A60 title come from…..other than the narrator mentioning it there was no mention of 60 in any weight ,volume, engine size, tyres there was 3o od cubic metres and 55 ton but no 60

  4. And at the end it gets taken apart and packed into flat cardboard boxes for the purchaser to assemble. Along with a 3000 page pictogram assembly book! 👉🏻 👇🏻 👈🏻 👐🏻🛠🔩🧰⚙️🪛🪜

  5. The industrial engineers that set up the manufacturing are brilliant! State of the art fabrication! Nice to see females OTJ… Makes lunch time more enjoyable…:)

  6. kinda cool how the ground has pathways painted on it so that people moving parts with the dollys know where to move the dolly so that the part doesnt hit anything
    would make it way quicker and easier for most people

  7. Make a big deal of woman working at the plant, the statistics show Sweden has the largest divide between different sexs in different industries. There are always exceptions but seems like if given the choice very few woman like to work on the floor in heavy industry. My guess is Volvo maybe has more woman but the stats there would still be overwhelmingly men. I am of the opinion that every individual human schould be able to do what they want and on average those are different.

  8. It's sad that this company is now owned by the Chinese. What a bunch of sellouts the swedish were here and I'd say these manufacturing facilities days are numbered.

  9. Great video…great company/product. I was going to call BS on the size boasts until I realized it's just the largest ARTICULATED hauler. Whoop-dee-doo. I wonder how may A60Hs could fit in the dump of a Belaz 75710? —–"oh-oh-oh!…but Belaz'es and Cats aren't articulated!"

    Again… I love the video and Volvo makes a great product. WELT just shouldn't try to put such focus on size.

    BTW: The biggest Phthalo Green harvesters in the world are made by John Deere.

  10. As a Macininst with 15 years of machining service since 2007 in America, it is really good to hear such an emphasis on achieving a 50-50 male-female workplace. Spending all my time working and being completely cutoff from being able to form better relationships with women and them not understanding anything about my vocation – hasn't been healthy or resulted in a healthy work to life balance.


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