Taylor Parker sentenced to death for murder of New Boston mother, unborn baby

A Bowie County jury has sentenced Taylor Parker to death for the capital murder of 21-year-old Reagan Simmons-Hancock and her unborn baby, Braxlynn Sage.


50 thoughts on “Taylor Parker sentenced to death for murder of New Boston mother, unborn baby”

  1. Being pregnant at 8 months, you are so vulnerable. Imagine having to fight for your life, pushed down, cut open! No medicine to numb the pain, you are feeling every cut, and knowing your baby is in danger. I can’t imagine how she felt. What a vile woman, and she already had two kids. I will never understand.’

  2. Death is an easy out for these monters. Put her in a cell block with female convicts who would kill just to see their babies from 100 yards away again. What a tragedy and may this woman rot in hell for eternity.

  3. HOW can a mother do this to another mother? Carrying a baby in your womb for 8 months you are a mother, she was just weeks away from meeting her new baby. I can never understand the thoughts went through her head as she cut her open. Prayers and thoughts to the family. May the souls of the mother and baby be at peace now .

  4. Hope Taylor Parker is sentenced to life and death in prison for murdering the pore women and her baby and I’m so sorry for the loss to her husband and the lady’s family 😭

  5. True crime pops up all over my feed and this has got to be one of the most insane ones. Like mind set of going through with this, being in that setting and just doing that another person is just explainable. I could never understand

  6. No words. That poor child in the house while that unimaginable torturous crime took place. I’m so sorry for all of her loved ones and for the maniac that’s responsible for this has a lot of soul searching to do before she meets her maker. Awful just awful.

  7. Theatre/drama. Now I understand why it’s near-impossible to sue someone for violating you because the justice system won’t accept any cases unless they’re theatrical and dramatic.

  8. This is FAKE, people. The U.S. government can’t just sit there and flat-out admit that mirror neurons exist while things like these are associated with legitimacy. It just makes no sense. It’s like flat-out stating, “Everyone’s telepathic, but nobody saw any of this coming.”

  9. Even the fucking news reporter says “This portion of this saga has ended”. FUCKING THANK YOU for at least admitting that this is DRAMA. A saga = a DRAMATIC and often complicated story or series of events. Bro, DRAMA is associated with THEATRE. Theatre is associated with a bunch of ACTORS. Sometimes the theatre is ORGANISED and people are memorising scripts and sometimes they’re improvised by people that just have an end goal in mind so they just act until they get to the goal. People: ACTING is LYING. Actors LIE in order to convince audience members that what they’re saying is TRUE. This is literally what theatre is about: putting on a scene to convince audience members that what they’re saying is TRUE!!!!!! One thing you’ll consistently notice when it comes to theatre is the incongruities because LIES literally make no sense (even when you try to make them look convincing). This is all fake news. Also, the U.S. government flat-out admitted that teleportation is real, but then pulled the “but it’s quantum teleportation 🤓” card. If teleportation is real, then psychokinesis is real. It’s easier to make someone believe something when they’re incapable of using psychokinesis. People can sit there and fake their deaths. At the end of the day, it’s SO fucking annoying because I have specific needs that literally don’t involve with obsessing with teleportation at the end of the day. I don’t plan on teleporting 24/7. I like swimming in water and climbing shit and exploring stuff… I like walking too. I just want teleportation for situations like these where I’m not interested in experiencing discomfort because it’s something that I’ve chronically experienced. IT IS SO FUCKING VEXATIOUS AND I WANT IT TO STOP.

  10. I love how she’s crying, promise you it for anyone but herself. She’s crying bc she’s caught and her master plan to keep a man whenever he wanted to leave her didn’t work and she dosent have “her baby” she’s crying for herself


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