Speculative Cryptid Ecology – 4Chan /X/ Thread

Op speaks on the cryptid ecology and seems to know what he talks about. Trying to understand where the animals could have could have evolved from to what their diets are as well as natural predators certain cryptid might have. This cryptozoological thread has many of op’s theories on how the dogman, crawlers, not deer, bigfoot and devil monkey’s live and hide.

The Crypt – @myu@Myuu

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17 thoughts on “Speculative Cryptid Ecology – 4Chan /X/ Thread”

  1. Just heard of this thread last week, so my mood shot to the roof when I saw you guys did a reading of said thread. Great stuff and I love the little edit of radio back static when switching to a reply of the OP. A lot of channels don’t bother differentiating so it can get confusing.

  2. Failure to take into account supernatural bullshit. I've heard schizoposting about how Crawlers are hyperinbred mutant nephilim or some shit. Phrases similar to "impossible strength for how skinny it was" get thrown around a lot in woods stories.

  3. My man doesn't even realize that "skinwalkers" and crawlers are just supernatural/interdimensional monsters/demons, nor that skinwalkers are really just native witches that can shapeshift in the actual folklore.

  4. you cant start assessing the biology of something that has some sort of supernatural ability. or is said to have one. At that point, it's physiological nature means nothing. for all we know it might not even exist. It's really ignorant to even attempt to make some sort of biological connection between phenomena .


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