Ascended Astarion + Tav/Durge = Power Couple #astarion #baldursgate3


32 thoughts on “Ascended Astarion + Tav/Durge = Power Couple #astarion #baldursgate3”

  1. Do we need more evidences that Ascended Astarion and Tav/Durge love each other? The power couple, which is hard to defeat. Just look at her face and pay attention to her response? Is she really experiencing abusive relationship? xD In MY play through – No!

  2. When you play the game in Honor Mode, and you go to the Owlbear cave, the female can call upon her mate to appear and also join the fight. This ability 'Calls Consort' allowing for their mate to also help fight. I imagine in a true trust romantic relationship with Astarion here, that he could also do something similar or you could; 2 terrifyingly strong vampires are definitely hard to beat!

  3. Yeap! I'm deleting spawn fans comments again! Cause this is my play through and my channel. Let’s be honest, I do not impose my AA perception on you, guys. This is you, who are coming to my channel and trying to prove me things. Please go back to spawn videos. I have no interest in debates.

  4. Но что они сделали с его головой в эпилоге боже мой ахахахха. Вообще нужно тоже почитать эту книгу? или что это, очень интересно!

  5. While I was doing some research on internet, I found some videos and posts where people report the content of some files, presents in the game, but which seem to have been deleted.
    Among these there are some audio files of Withers where he talks about what happens to the various characters after the defeat of the Netherbrain. Obviously the ending changes based on the choices made during the game.
    When he talks about Ascended Astarion, in case he remained with the TAV, he always calls TAV "consort" or "bloody consort". So if even the Withers calls the TAV "consort", maybe the theory that Astarion did not transform our character into a simple spawn is true.
    When Withers tells what happen to the couple, the two seems to have an excellent relationship: they do everything together and there is no hint of mistreatment, forms of domination or control. The ending in which he describes the two traveling together is very nice and perhaps it is the best ending with AAstarion, as Withers himself says that the couple has a lot of fun discovering and sharing every beauty and pleasure that Faerûn offers. No hint that AAstarion wants to conquer Baldur's Gate.
    There is also an audio where Whithers talks about the feeling of AAstarion if TAV left him. He would like to have a former lover, he continues to think about TAV and several times he wanted to invite TAV to his house, but he never did because his pride as a lord prevented him from doing so.
    You could say that these files and their contents are non-canon since they were deleted, but they exist and are still present in the game. Maybe one day they will be taken back and put in the game.

  6. Sadly so much goes through word of mouth and rumours, one person can say "Oh I experienced this" And others will think it's the only outcome and they won't try it for themselves to actually see if it's true!

    I had heard about "Bad" Astarion before finding your videos, but I refused to believe it without proof, so I watched and could not be more pleased with what I saw! ❤

    To me he's perfect Ascended or not because he is Astarion! ❤❤
    Gorgeous, Charming, Loving without question! 😍
    And anyone who says he's bad in anyway should just look at the way he sees Tav!
    Precious above all else! 😊

    Thank you SO much for all of your FANTASTIC videos!
    They have helped me so much!

  7. Isn't this the "goals" relationship we all want? Where both people are so intuned with each other? They do things for one another? They can very much say how they feel without fear of what the other will say? In the same way that Astarion very much says go mingle, I'll be right here watching. I'll always be watching you… breaks into Every Breathe You Take by Sting

  8. Интересная информация, благодарю!❤ Есть над чем подумать. В первое своё прохождение оставила Астариона отродьем, но через многочисленные прохождения и перепрохождения поняла, что Вознесшийся Астарион во многих планах лучше, так он становится самим собой и не прячется больше за фасадом, который присущ Отродью. Особенно это заметно в моментах, когда Тав/Соблазн пытаются порвать отношения с ним. Отродье скажет: "did i do something wrong?", тем самым создается впечатление, что он игрет роль милого Астариона для Тав/Соблазна, чтобы его не бросили. Тогда как Воснесшийся будет просто зол 😅

  9. He reminds me of a different looking vampire with white heart but I can’t put my finger on it I think from castevania ah well I enjoy the mindeset of my dear vampire granted I enjoy every party member especially listening to their stories then again I also read every book I get my hands on but hey I wonder how a meeting between our crimson vampire and strahd would go

  10. Baldur's gate is 5e, so i this wouldn't really apply as this book is 2e. The 5e Monster Manuel would have the vampire definition which would apply the closest to to Ascended Vampire

  11. Ngl watching this got me imagining how it'll be like with lae'zel origin romancing Ascended Astarion. Vampire Githyanki bride fighting Vlaa'kith with her husband Ascended Vampire Elf joining in on the chaos of the revolt.

    It sounds so cool!

  12. I think it's worth noting that in the original cut version of the ending slides that Withers narrated, if you romanced and Ascended Astarion but left him any time before the ending, Withers mentions that Astarion still thinks about the MC and even considers inviting them to his palace. Just thought that was interesting.

  13. Yes. Finally, somebody is explaining it right. So many people are describing AA as evil and bad, and he is just like Cazador, but it's so not true. Of course, he is not gonna be the same as spawn Astarion. But I personally like him ascended bcs my tav wants him to have all the power he deserves and we all know he treats Tav like a queen and if he didn't want to be with her in the first place, he wouldn't. He has all the power in the world. Idk why people say that if u ascend him, u see him as a s*x object. I am sorry. I like my man to be in charge and dominant.

  14. "You should be a monster, an absolute monster, and then you should learn how to control it" I have to say Ascended Astarion hits so close to home. My own hubby tends to rub people the wrong way on first impressions and mostly because he is not a people pleaser but to me he is the best partner. I Love Asti but Ascended is my favourite.

  15. We really need to stop with characters and interactions like this – look guys, I first had to come to terms with being bi back in highschool. Then realized I was pan. Having to sit down and accept I'm vampire pixel base attraction is stretching my boundaries a bit more than I ever expected…. and where on forms even IS that option!?!

  16. I haven't completed a play through but i'm romancing astarion. At firt i was like i'm gonna reload if the time came and he ascends now i' m really sure because from al the video's about astarion i see i kind of like both versions. So i guess i'll see what happens when the persuasion rol comes 😂.


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