Sixth Memphis police officer fired in connection with deadly beating of Tyre Nichols

Skyler Henry reports on the latest Memphis police officer fired in brutal beating of Tyre Nichols (1-30-2023)


43 thoughts on “Sixth Memphis police officer fired in connection with deadly beating of Tyre Nichols”

  1. Disgusting, when did you think enough was enough. Officers were punching him in the face when he was handcuffed and obviously out of it. beating him with a stick while he was unconscious or just barely alive. Crying out for his mom multiple times, it breaks my heart to see this young manā€™s life passing before him knowing he probably didnā€™t have much longer, and still crying out for his mom. You people disgust me!!! and I canā€™t wait in-till you stand before God and judge you on your actions. you took a young manā€™s life and a baby that will never see his father and know his father was taken from him by what the nation calls ā€œpolice officersā€ (are here to help???)

  2. Black cops ( šŸ·) are so use to seeing white cops get away with these heinous acts they think they can get away with them too. News Flash, threes a double standard but they all need to be prosecuted equally to the full extent of the law!!!

  3. How dumb are these guys? After all the cases of police brutality in the spotlight and the sheer number of cameras in the world today you not only need to be a bunch of cowards and thugs to treat another human being this way you must be pretty dam stupid. Way too dumb for a Uniform of any kind apart from prison wear.

  4. Why can't the police/ government and regulator people understand it's the way the police are traind and the fact thay will let almost anyone who wants to be a cop join maby thay should only hire cpeople that have been to college and took some sort of human behavior clases along with some sort of law degree and then pay the cops a lot more because of the 4 years of collage just to be able to start to become a police officer…and it's clear to me it's not a racial thing it's poor training and the wrong typ people being hierd

  5. Black community is crying about this incident while a handful of their classless people are targetting and beating up on unsuspecting, old and vulnerable Asian people throught the nation. What a bunch of hypocrites!

  6. This is all part of their sanitizing the city agenda! If you observe carefully, the hospitals also, like the police, not just the EMS, participate in the "sanitizing our city" agenda! Somehow, certain salvageable cases of wounded people get positive outcomes while certain others (wounded "suspects" signalled as or presumed as city "pollutant"), most certainly are mysteriously irredeemable.

  7. If the cops were white they'd be looting and burning down peoples lively hoods. Feel bad for the victim, but people who pretend to care just to get some free shit. I have nothing for. Lowest of the low.

  8. Sooooo where is BLM? They didn't get the signal from the white house on this one. Why not lay down and stop moving if you know these black idiot cops are pieces of crap and are on a power trip. Turn on your belly, don't scream, and just don't move. Worked for me in my young crazy days. One of the times one of the cops had his baton (not a retractable one) by the handle and the long part against his forearm and he just threw an elbow at me and that baton was alongside his arm. Whacked me on the side of the head. Believe me.i stopped moving, talking crap, everything was "yes sir no sir" & "yes ma'am no ma'am". After that they had no reason to keep kicking me and punching me. I was dizzy as hell either way. But who knows what will happen with this case

  9. Most ones in this world are so sad. They have their freedom. They also have their own will to choose right from wrong. They make Satan look like an Angel. God is our only Release. The rapture is first then the wrath of Yahweh is next. Ready or not . šŸ™ Thank you Yah Jesus !!!!!!!

  10. You know, when you look at how long it takes for there to be any consequences for white officers who commit brutality, and then you see how swiftly these black officers got kicked to the curb, but it took them this long to officially dump the white guy? I just…
    ALL law officers committing brutality need to suffer the SAME swift justice regardless of their skin color. How are these sociopaths not weeded out BEFORE they're given weapons and turned loose on the public? We've got to do better.

  11. I saw the video twice and he was resisting arrest the entire time. Even fleeing and running away at one point. He didn't deserve to die but if he had just listen to the officers orders he would still be alive. Just saying.

  12. Stop calling these murders police. They were never police. They were evil long before this horrific crime. If they had Jesus in their heart instead of Satan on their mind this would have never happened. Tyre is now safe with the Lord but let his early departure from this life be a lesson on how important it is to be saved through Christ so hate and sin doesnt enter your life and lead you to destruction doing the Devil's work. May God help us all.

  13. This is what happens when you lower the qualifications to be peace officer , untrained hood types acting like they are in a park . Hire good men and women not based on race and things will improve. Until then keep your heads ticked it will continue to be a bumpy flight .

  14. Im from Memphis and the word on the street now is that Tyre was friends with one of the officerā€™ baby mommas from working at FedEx, so the officer Haley had it out for Tyre from the get go when he spotted his car. Thatā€™s the word on the street.

  15. Hey let's give Surgeons & Nurses QUALIFIED IMMUNITY! So when one

    Amputates the wrong organ, or A Nurse injects U with wrong Med or dose

    and Y'all DIE! Hey, healthcare Workers ought have immunity ! Or…

    We can dissolve IMMUNITY & Let Cops Also $ Buy Malpractice Insurance!

    Besides, in large cities they are WAY the F* overpaid for their requisite Low

    I.Q. for the job. Even as low as 130 IQ, so when their Malpr-Insr loses case

    they pay Victim & double their Rates. It is illegal to drive w/out insurance,

    So it will be illegal for Cops to work w/out Malpractice INSURANCE!

  16. That 6th officer is heard saying on his cam " i hope they stomp thst fool " im talking bout Preston!!!! Hes an accomplice and should be held accountable also !!!! He didnt do or say anything to decipher the actions that were to come ….its the same as sitting in a parked car and waiting for your buddy to rob the bank and drive off…preston actually did more than a parked driver , he enticed the situation to another officer on his live cam

  17. the hypocrisy of you people who look the other way at the hundreds of rapes and murders should be ashamed of yourselves. you people have lost your way. you support criminals. you are criminals.

  18. What are all police racist? Yeah not all cops are good people but majority of them are. If you just simply COMPLY with directions itā€™s not that bad. Iā€™ve been arrested twice and never had an issue. Even in the jail, no problems.

  19. Scorpion unit??? The problem starts from the unit name. Why they chose/given this kind name to the police unit? Police is a public servant. Scorpion is harmful to humans that deliver a painful and potentially dangerous sting. Now these officers brutally killed this young man. Very sad!!


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