Signs of the Last Hour – Part 1 of 2

While the world watches as the innocent children and families of Gaza, Palestine get killed by the Israeli missile attacks, and the eyes cry blood as the world sees and witnesses in real time, a genocide happening right before their eyes, a new global shift among the new young generation is emerging. The world is open to a new civilization, morals and values.

As at the turn of every century a reformation and reformer comes to the Ummah, according to Islamic tradition, perhaps this time is upon us. The Gazan people’s sacrifice and what once believed to be evil people, them being the bad side and Israel being the good side, as has been the media narrative and those who control it, in both the Muslim and non-Muslim world is starting to change what they once believed about them. Allah has ordained signs and occurrences leading up to the inevitable Last Hour, with each event giving rise to a new event ever so working towards the inevitable which Allah has ordained to be in this world.

The widespread injustice and oppression will be restored with justice and righteousness with the rise and unity of the truthful victors of Allah, with the rise of a leader and Caliph, the Mahdi, the descension of the son of Maryam, Prophet Jesus (AS) and the defeat of the Dajjal (anti-Christ) and his army.

In this lecture, we discuss all the above in some detail from the Islamic and rational perspective, the signs of the Last Hour and Palestine.

0:00 Never give up hope
1:29 Current events in Gaza
4:16 You’ll be put to test by Allah
8:38 Every century Allah will send a reformer
10:23 Survey results of recent events in Gaza
13:01 We’re living in a time of great fitnah
16:00 9 things we can do as Muslims
16:30 1 – Opportunity for our faith to be renewed
17:20 2 – Renew our identity
18:20 3 – Making du’a
19:02 4 – Change your inner-self
20:18 5 – Sharing information
20:34 6 – Educate yourselves
21:51 7 – Boycott
23:50 8 – Protests
25:09 9 – Write to MPs and Ministers
28:36 Why do Muslims wish Israel evil?
32:27 Allah’s Promise
35:26 Importance of Al-Quds
40:37 Khilafa will return
44:58 Dajjal will emerge
45:55 The Mahdi
51:54 ‘Isa (AS) will descend
57:17 ‘Isa (AS) will enter Jerusalem
59:52 Who is the Dajjal?
1:05:28 Where do you stand?


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20 thoughts on “Signs of the Last Hour – Part 1 of 2”

  1. 55:00
    The crazy thing is that, its the christains that would easily fall for dajal claiming to be God. Because they already believe an human can be God
    Unlike muslims who know for certain that an human can never be God

  2. There are no signs of the hour that we humans know as the Quran says:
    Quran 7:187
    They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, "Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know."

    So please stop these fabricated stories. Follow Quran.

  3. You cant boycott any Israeli products in US. There is a law. If you boycott even one Israeli product. You can be charged, you can loose your job. At work they get a form in their contract to sign that you wont boycott any Israeli products.
    One Muslim teacher refused to sign, she lost her job. She got a lawyer now and hoping to take it to court.

  4. I agree with Boycott with goods from that illega country. It gives me peace that this is something i CAN do. Even 1 less penny in their pocket is better than nothing. So boycott their goods much as you can. Allah gave as so much other products. Send letter to you MP, talk to others in conversation, but read Quran and listen to knowledgeable to benefit in your talks. And boycott products you and your families. Pay charity. And 1st make Dua.

  5. You mixed up Mahdi with Eesa here shaikh…Prophet pbuh said , “"The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts)” Bukhari 2476


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