This Is Our Prayer

I wrote this contemporary hymn as a musical prayer response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The lyrics are based on Romans 12:12-21. Like so many other people around the world, I have been horrified by this war. I have wept, listening to the suffering of refugees who have been bombed out of their homes, who have lost loved ones, and who have fled their homeland while being separated from their husbands and fathers, brothers and sons. My heart aches for all the Ukrainian mothers and children who are fleeing to surrounding countries, just trying to survive, protect their children, and to find safety somewhere, anywhere. I have simultaneously been inspired by the sheer tenacity, ingenuity, courage, and conviction of the Ukrainians who aren’t leaving, who are risking their lives to defend their country and to try to help care for the vulnerable people around them who urgently need food, water, shelter, and medical care.

As a person of faith and a human being, I cannot ignore the suffering of Ukraine and her citizens, nor can I pretend that Putin’s actions are anything other than the choices of a power-hungry dictator with a Napoleonic complex and a tenuous grasp of reality. I have been praying against the war (and praying FOR peace) since February, and I invite you to join me – in private, and in public places, too, with silent and spoken prayers, imprecatory prayers, prayers of intercession, liturgical, responsive, pastoral, confessional, and extemporaneous prayers, prayers of lament, prayers for protection and comfort, and prayers against those who are misusing power, promoting evil, and engaging in global disinformation campaigns.

I live far away from the horrors of this war, but I am not helpless, and neither are you! In response to this catastrophic conflict, I am fasting, praying, giving money, and giving my time and energy to relief projects. I am writing my local, provincial, and federal government representatives to share my opinion and to encourage them to stand against an evil that, through the terrifying prospect of nuclear war, could profoundly affect every living creature on the planet. I’m also asking my local, regional, and national church to support the innocent people whose lives have been upended by the invasion.

As a Singer-Songwriter, I am using my musical and creative gifts to raise awareness and financial support for the millions of Ukrainians who need our collective help. You can assist them simply by sharing this short video online, with your network of family members, friends, and colleagues. Please also feel free to use it in your community of faith before or during public worship services, as a collective sung response during evening prayer, vespers services, or similar mid-week programming options, post it on your church Facebook page, and use it wherever else you think it will help people to focus their attention, and to participate musically as the global church prays for peace in Ukraine.

There are many reasons for us to be praying and working for peace, these days. You can do your part by teaching the music to your church choir or congregation, or by singing along at home or in the car. The sheet music for “This Is Our Prayer” will be available at (just type the song title or my name into the search box, and it will pop right up for you). The audio track is up at, and also via iTunes, Spotify, and Deezer. All of the profits from the purchase of the musical score (both Piano/Voice/Guitar and SATB Choral Scores) and the funds raised by MP3 digital downloads will be collected, divided in half, and then donated equally to the following charities: 1) The Canadian Red Cross – Ukrainian Relief Campaign, and 2) The United Church of Canada Mission & Service Fund – Ukrainian Humanitarian Support (through existing ministry partners who are already working in the region).

*This note has been written by the Rev. Dr. Lisa Waites (the composer & lyricist), giving you permission to use the attached video of “This Is Our Prayer” gratis for private or non-commercial public purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading and public streaming for Christian worship services, small group ministry events (ex. youth groups, young adult ministry gatherings, campus ministries, regional church meetings, women’s ministries, social programs for seniors, the UCW, prayer meetings, etc), on social media sites, and whatever other locations are being used in good faith to promote humanitarian relief efforts, to raise awareness of the needs of the population, and to raise money for the people of Ukraine. SDG
