Healing Your Environment with Flying Star Feng Shui – Breanne Desrochers & Brad Johnson

Breanne’s website – http://www.trinityhomehealing.com

Brad Johnson interviews his partner, Breanne Desrochers, regarding working with Flying Star Feng Shui and healing your environment with ancient, accurate spiritual science + discussing her work as an intuitive energy healer.




20 thoughts on “Healing Your Environment with Flying Star Feng Shui – Breanne Desrochers & Brad Johnson”

  1. Awwww I'm literally in tears Brad. Not sad tears but happy tears. I'm so happy for you both and so happy to see you both together on this feed. Hope to see the future Mrs Johnson more often and I even hope she creates a youtube chanel as well. Better yet, she can share your chanel. One day your on, then one day she is on. Wishful thinking. She will get use to being on just like you and being shy will be a thing of the past. So wonderful to meet you Brianne. Hope I spelled your name correctly. If not, my apologies. Many blessings to you both. Love ❤️ you, Namaste 🙏 and so it is…

  2. How can one not be disappointed in Brad upon seeing brianna? I mean we all would expect Brad to be attracted to a woman's inner beauty more than anything – right?

    Just to be clear, that was a joke about being disappointed. Congratulations to both members of this impressive couple!

  3. you have a pretty gf, w/beauty inside out, lucky guy! Mandarin is my 1st language, interesting enough feng sui was a required credit at Taiwan Architecture college by then, so i studied my feng sui in Mandarin full course^^ Im specifically obsessed with the chinese flying star astrology, guess there's mutuality with flying star feng sui


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