SDCC 2022 Recap as Arm Chair Quarterbacked by Toy Guru. Slave I! Iceman! Sgt. Slaughter! Eternia?

Scott Toy Guru Neitlich from Spector Creative provides his opinions and feedback on many of the San Diego Comic Con toy reveals from 2022


46 thoughts on “SDCC 2022 Recap as Arm Chair Quarterbacked by Toy Guru. Slave I! Iceman! Sgt. Slaughter! Eternia?”

  1. The new McFarlane DC Super Powers line has hit some Walmart stores but it is almost impossible to find the whole wave. Some Walmart's are marking them down and they are going straight to the clearance aisle without ever reaching the toy isle because they don't have a spot on the planogram. I was wondering what your thoughts are on this and does this effect ordering product in the future and gauging whether or not a line is successful when it is clearanced before it has a chance to sell. Thank you very much.

  2. Thought Bobby Vala stopped supporting you since the Real Toy Industry stream. SDCC had lots of fantastic reveals this year, and Disney needs to stop altering Star Wars just because it owns characters like Mickey Mouse. How is Boba Fett’s Starship going to be an iconic name? It’s like erasing Kenner from The Vintage Collection packaging just because Hasbro shut it down decades ago.

  3. Particle man, particle man, does whatever a particle can. What’s he like? It’s not important. Particle man, is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he’s underwater does he get wet, or does the water get him instead? Particle man.

  4. I dont know if I'll really stop being disappointed and annoyed by the Grizzlor situation. It stinks that they didn't even give a reason for their sneaky nonsense, just a snide joke and a passing nonsensical comment about "wanting him in there". Now he's an exclusive that will get swiped hard by scalpers and sell out in seconds, leaving most everyone who wants one to either not get one at all, or fork out to the scalpers after market gouging

  5. Grizzlor’s standard release being on the ever so broken Mattel Creations exclusive list was disappointing.

    When Dan interviewed the Mattel rep, that PR answer he gave about Wundar made me facepalm. Sigh……

    So happy Eternia is getting an update. I’ve got a complete one in my vintage collection and don’t have the room for the new one but giving collectors a chance to get one is awesome.

  6. "Why buy a property you want to change?" So you're saying Disney has become a stereotypical female getting together with a Chad? 😉 In all seriousness though, this Comic Con was extremely disappointing to me, but thanks to some of your recent videos, I see why we get tons of properties remade, and little else, and otherwise, it just feels like everyone is trying to "go back to normal"…..almost sensing that they can't ….and it shows.

  7. Mattel win this reveals, the Eternia playset, the skeletons, the new figures just wow. The ultimate Cody Rhodes.
    Hasbro, meh, legends sucks and the Joes have a terrible QC.

  8. First I don't know how you didn't break into song after saying monorail. As the to the trailers, I love going into a movie not knowing the plot. I try not to watch many trailers beforehand, because often they give too much away.

  9. Ngl the fact that even the smallest details about a new movie/show/game is considered to be a spoiler now has absolutely ruined trailers. Like, I obviously don't want to know the whole plot, but it's nice to have a vague idea of what the movie's going to be about (imo the last great trailer for a blockbuster was the TLJ one where it left you wondering why Luke would say it's time for the Jedi to end, but still gave you a general idea of what you were getting into. I'm largely indifferent to TLJ, but that trailer was phenomenal).

  10. Personally, I only like cell shaded figures when it's an essential part of what makes that version of a character (like animated Venom, as the red and blue shading is the thing I remember most about him). Idk, I generally prefer realistic toys.

    Also, I love those SW Halloween figures. The Beskar being repainted as a chocolate bar is brilliant, the werewolf Wookiee is a neat callback to the prevalence of werewolf costume parts in ANH (that may be unintentional) and I generally love Wookiees (my father who passed away a few years back was nicknamed the Wookiee by his friends since he was tall and hairy). And like, I love weird little animals. The Clone's fine, I just don't really collect PT stuff, so idk if I'm gonna get it.

  11. Mega Man toys are HUGELY popular. But they never make anyone past mega man. It always dies at cut-man. theres 40 plus villains! Its not hard. do one mega man recolor with new accessory per wave. It should attache to his blaster. simple. just copy world of nintendo or sonic jazwares figures.
    And if you dont speak against the woke, the woke speak for YOU. deal with your non slave leia now.

  12. 4:28 yuck! The figure should be more angular (at least the head since tooling for an entire body is more expensive), as that would make the shading a bit more forgiving.

  13. well i dont know how black poeple feel but if i was black , i wouldnt want it called slave 1. that would be just an annoying reminder. . the word slave itself is anonyin because of america's brutal history of slavery for 500 years

  14. as a BS inbox collector, i obviously don't like the closed box. even if i took them out, i don't trust hasblo's quality. i need to see with my own eyes that what i'm paying for is actually even the same figure, and if it is that it's not a hot mess. i mean, this is a company who several years ago put out figures that looked literally melted. this kind of stuff is a deal-breaker for me.

  15. Quickly coming back to make a video suggestion, is there any chance you can talk about why sometimes we get a shittier version of a character like a year before an actually good version? Like in TBS, the Death Squad Commander was released right before and right after Photoreal's introduction, the same happened with ESB Lando, and now Krrsantan getting the comic pack release that was Chewbacca with a new head, but they also just announced a new fullly tooled version of him right as the shitty reuse version is hitting shelves.

  16. Some of the Star Wars figures are a must but those Halloween Boba Fett comic pack 6" are to me lazy and downright weird…was hoping to see a Predator PREY figure…cheers 🍺🍺🍻

  17. ReBla is the CM Punk of this hobby. Fake convictions. Cuts promos on everything he doesn't agree with in a self-aggrandizing manner. Creates feuds with smaller channels and never attacks the true shills. Thinks he's the smartest of the smarties. And to top it all off has the most loyal fan following in the underground collecting community. Dude literally got trolls to pay for a trip to Australia. He's the greatest undercover heel in the business!

  18. Disney gutting, disrespecting, subverting and altering their properties?! Dull surprise. They are the Princess Factory. I warned people that they would do this to Marvel, Star Wars and the 20th Century Fox……here we are.

  19. I hate that there's never been a GOOD Megaman line.

    When I saw these new ones I remember all the stuff you say about tooling. A few Robots share similar looking parts, but most them are 50% – unique like from the waist up.

    We're Never going to get a good Megaman line.


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