Silicon Valley Bank Gave $73M To Black Lives Matter, Get Woke Go Broke

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30 thoughts on “Silicon Valley Bank Gave $73M To Black Lives Matter, Get Woke Go Broke”

  1. ha, ha, ha this gets funnier by the day the leaders of BLM went and bought Mansions with that money – The Money should've bene used to clean up the neighborhoods, provide resources in Poor areas and start to clean those Places and Be Rid of The Ghetto and Clean up the People and the Land – Now Those Filthy Whores Bought Mansions, Cars and paid for Lavish trips.

  2. wtf did all the money go after that? what did these blm organisations do with the hundreds of millions of dollars given to them by corporate america? (and many, many other countries)

  3. That is not the story at all there is no go broke. This should be retitled to " Get Woke, Give money to the left, get bailed out. If they are getting the bailout, then the "donated money" needs to be returned to the bank. Every manager that got one of these last minute bonus checks needs to be charged with misappropriation of funds.

  4. The wealthy aren’t the enemy. The corrupt are the enemy. Punish those whose ACTIONS are evil. Don’t just spray and pray toward anyone with money. Most of them WORKED hard for that. Why work if we are punished for our success?

  5. To say bitcoin is controlled by no one is lunacy and crypto is no different than fiat. The value of crypto and fiat is in the belief of the holder. Bitcoin can claim its work 47k per coin but if no one agrees, its not.

  6. If people aren’t familiar with pistol braces or are COMPLETELY against the 2a it’s worth being knowledgeable on what the ATF is doing because it’s a sign of tyranny beyond belief

  7. Yes the bank was a trash bank filled to the reeking gills with woke zombies, but the Fed screwing with the bonds is what in large part caused them to fail. Governments screws with economy and creates crisis, government says screw harder this time. It's a story that's been told so many times.


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