Phantom Express (1932) | Mystery & Thriller | William Collier Jr., Sally Blane, J. Farrell MacDonald

Watch the 1932 Hollywood classic movie, The Phantom Express.

A railway is threatened by mysterious wrecks, which turn out to be caused by criminals using a unique deception.

Movie Name: The Phantom Express
Stars: William Collier Jr., Sally Blane, J. Farrell MacDonald
Director: Emory Johnson


5 thoughts on “Phantom Express (1932) | Mystery & Thriller | William Collier Jr., Sally Blane, J. Farrell MacDonald”

  1. Very much like the 2008 MORTGAGE SCAM followed by the Government Aid to big Banks…."TOO BIG TO FAIL" WHat a s c a m. Similar to putting the Fox to care for the HENHOUSE!!!!! HAHAHA!!!! Gone are the times where the PEOPLE united to rid of the SCAMMERS!!!


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