Our apprehension about child's gradual growth #genx #genxparents #genxkid #millennial #genz #boomer

So much judgenent thrown at GenX for how we raised our kids. This isn’t the only reason we raised them the way we did but to sum it up into 2 reasons…this tracks for most of us!
Feel free to agree or disagree…l don’t care
#genx #genxparents #genxkid #millennial #genz #boomer #copingskills #genxthoughtoftheday #therealslimsherri #facts


42 thoughts on “Our apprehension about child's gradual growth #genx #genxparents #genxkid #millennial #genz #boomer”

  1. And look what our generation raised!!!
    Sheltered, self absorbed, entitled, morally bankrupt goblins, who ironically have no coping skills.
    I brought my kids up the old fashioned way, they turned out great.

  2. My son punched my daughter and the school called cps. They did it over winter break and my daughter didnt tell me. Wtaf. Back in our day his butt would be lava, but we had to throw him in the corner. Yeah i started late on having my rats.

  3. I wasn't planning on having kids because of my effed-up upbringing, but when I got stepkids, I knew that the way I had been raised wouldn't work esp on kids that weren't 'mine'.

    I thank Parenting with Love and Logic everyday that I still have relationships with my grown adult stepkids even though their dad and I aren't together anymore.

  4. Cusp Boomer who raised Millenials like Gen X. We wanted them to have everything we never had but they had to work for it. They grew up to be accomplished & grateful. They got attention but definitely were not pampered, smothered or helicoptered. Taught them trophies are for winners, not losers. So glad they’re not whiny babies always yammering about their mental health. Ugh.

  5. Well…I'm a Gen X'er ..and I am raising my kids the way I was raised… I DARE my kids to call the cops if they don't like it, I spanked them when needed, instill work ethic and to absolutely respect elders…

  6. I'm 62 and was spanked, when i got married we spanked our kids, actually had paddles made up with their names on them. They all turned out amazing. They all own their own houses, have jobs, and have never considered spanking as abuse . They don't use it as a crutch as adults to whine about things. In fact they all spank their kids. Its not illegal. Spanking and beating the shit out a kid is different. I grew up with respect. Our kids also grew up with respect and manners. The grandkids are also. We have absolutely no intentions of changing how we parent or grandparent. It gets the point across that what they are doing is wrong. If they are told fo stop more than twice them they get spanked. Yes they remember it, and 90,% of the time they dont repeat what they wrong. I couldn't imagine having to sit my kid down over and over to "discuss" the issue. I would think my kid have mental issues if i had to keep doing that. They obviously aren't or dont care about what they did as the consequences are ridiculous and they know it. Thats why stupid little jonny has to taken to another room to be "talked" to over amd over again. That also makes these kids so ridiculously sensitive that anytime someone actually tells them how its supposed to be in a non whiney voice they fall apart. We also had /have absolutely no issue with slapping their mouths when they say inappropriate things they hear from the sheep parents that video it and think its funny. Say it once or twice ,yes they are told that is not a word that is to uses by children. After being told twice they will get slapped. They then immediately know we meant it and it wasnt funny or appropriate for their age to be saying. But going out in public we can always tell the sheep parents from the parents that want their kids to behave, have respect for their parents as well as others. Just giving a kid that " one more time side eye", and the kid stops what they are doing shows the difference.

  7. YEP, and my daughter is exactly like me but allowed to talk to me about anything and everything. She comes first. Directly because of the way i was raised. I still think i was to harsh and carry that guilt but she is 20 has her own home and works 2 jobs has her own car that she works on and knows she can always ask me for anything but doesn't cause she wants to do it herself. I spoiled her but i taught her morals, manners, and all about consequences. Yep im 47 bought to be 48. Still never married and still dont care about anyone but my kid.

  8. Well, cry for yourself. I appreciate the way I was raised because I am not a weak individual caught up in my feelings. I enjoyed having freedom as a child. As far as i'm concerned, the modern idea of what child abuse is, is ridiculous. You look at a child cross-eyed, and oh, you're being abusive; you discipline a child, and oh, you're being abusive. Our parents cared about our feelings….when our feelings were relevant and when there was really something to have feelings over. Not everything that comes from a child should be paid attention to.

  9. I was raised by silent and boomers. Im proud of my Gen X generation and I also raised my kids the same way. You get respect when you earn it and my kids are hard tough kids. They show no emotion but they aren't pussies and that makes me happy. I didn't completley beat the crap out of them but they got it when they stepped out of line. That's good parenting. My kids know their genders, don't whine like babies aren't entitled at all and know which bathroom to use.

  10. Yeah, well now we need to fix that. They need to know emotions are fine, but what to actually do about it. As well as learning not everyone should get trophies for everything. How to respect others, once there is a disconnect there now. A little eye for a eye everything is an attack if it isn't something they like, as well as not pushing limits that are safe to do so.


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