Call the Hobbit Police!! – The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition First Time Reaction P1

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End Card music –
Artist: UnderwaterBeats
Track: Evolution


43 thoughts on “Call the Hobbit Police!! – The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition First Time Reaction P1”

  1. 13 dwarves in all (in the order that they are introduced in the book and most likely the movie as well): Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin.

  2. Not sure about nécromancies specifically in fiction, but the term necromancer as being someone who uses the dead to do magic (tell the future) is from the Middle Ages. So the idea is old.

  3. These aren't really spoilers because they're mentioned in The Lord of the Rings:

    Gimli's father and uncle are both in the Company. His father (Gloin) is the one with the big deep read beard. And his Uncle (Oin) is the one with the ear horn.

    And Balin (you know which one he is) is the one whose Tomb the Fellowship fights in in Moria. And the one whoes book they read in the Tomb is Ori (the one who said "I'll give him a taste of dwarvish iron straight up his jacksy")

    Also Fili and Kili are the sons of Thorins sister. So they're his nephews.

  4. 4:45 Billy Boyd did not write the lyrics. The song is sung in Fellowship of the Ring (and is named A Walking Song) and the lyrics are said to be written by Bilbo to an old tune. So when the song (or rather the last verse) was chosen for the third movie it had lyrics but it did not have a tune. So what Billy Boyd did was writing the tune that match the lyrics (now referred to as Edge of Night)… at least that what I took from the behind the scenes material. Correct me if I was wrong.

  5. I've missed you man, you give such a peaceful aura about you, love just listening to you whilst doing jobs around the house. Love that you get into depth with everything you dive into, can't wait to see your thoughts and feelings on the hobbit movies, love the fact you have the oblivion music in the background, so nostalgic for me, sank SO many hours into that game, I still listen to the music today whilst writing my 3rd novel, very helpful having that fantasy music to help me picture my fantasy world. Keep up the amazing work and can't wait to see more, in regards to you taking time off, christ your doing amazing you need to take regular breaks from this, id love to do youtube but can never find the time around the kids, children gotta come first 😀 so keep up the great work and take your time and look forward to when ever you upload in YOUR time 😀 👍

  6. Here's a quick guide on the dwarves' names and how to tell which is which
    Thorin – The dwarf prince from Erebor or as you call him "Mr. Pretty Skin"
    Dwalin – Bald badass dwarf – Ken Stott
    Balin – Oldest Santa Claus looking
    Kili – Pretty boy blonde haired dwarf
    Fili – Pretty boy brown haired dwarf
    Dori – Grey haired dwarf who offers Gandalf wine
    Nori – Dwarf with the braided hair and beard that looks like a rooster on his head.
    Ori – Shortest dwarf who won the belching contest
    Oin – The old dwarf with the hearing trumpet.
    Gloin – Dwarf who looks like Gimli's dad
    Bifur – The dwarf with the axe in his head
    Bofur – snarky dwarf with the big hat – James Nesbitt
    Bombur – Fattest dwarf

  7. Do you edit your own videos? (Edit: you just mentioned you do) I can’t remember. Idk how much it costs to hire an editor but maybe that’s something you can do eventually to take a lot of strain off yourself. It must be a lot to do everything involved in making these videos.

  8. I was very impressed by the fact that when Ian Holm was offered to star in this film, but he said that the disease did not allow him to fly to New Zealand.
    Then, especially for him, the scenery was brought to England to shoot this episode of the film.

  9. I hope sometime you can watch the 1977 “The Hobbit” animated movie. My 5th grade teacher played it for us the year VCR’s came out & I loved it so much that I have never forgotten it. It was a fantastic introduction to Tolkien’s works for a bunch of clueless kids.

  10. Great to see you started watching the hobbit movies as well. You'll absolutely love them and I am really looking forward to your reaction to the next movies veggie!

  11. As others have mentioned, there are a couple of links to Lord of the Rings among the dwarves, two in particular.

    Gloin is one of Thorin's company — Gimli (who was one of the Fellowship of the Ring) is his son.

    And the old dwarf Balin, After the events of these movies he apparently made a bid to reestablish the dwarf-kingdom of Moria. It didn't go so well, as evidenced by the discovery of his tomb: "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria."

  12. I've been waiting for this!!!
    I love your enthusiasm for this movie, and honestly, it's right up your alley!
    Yes, it's different in many ways from the Lord of the Rings trilogy (both the books and the movies); it was basically a children's tale to start with and has a completely different tone and feel. I love The Hobbit movies for themselves; comparing them with The Lord of the Rings is like comparing apples to oranges.
    More as you go along, can't wait for part 2!!!

  13. my doctor would be david tenant, not because of my age but because that is when dr. who blew up on an international level and that's when i heard of it. i'd adore you doing something on dr. who.

  14. So just in case you didn't make the connections xD, *spoilers* if you don't want the a few connections to the other works explained:

    – Thorin Oakenshield is the grandson of Thror, the last King under the Mountain of Erebor, and son of Thrain, who disappeared after the Battle to retake Moria. Fili and Kili are Thorins nephews, also royalty coming from Thorins sister, and Fili being the oldest of the 2 is Thorins heir.
    – Gloin, who is the company's financial advisor, is the dwarf with redish-brown hair and armor, and who is also Gimli's father, sporting the same kind of outfit his son would wear 60 years later in LotR. The walking axe he wields is either the very same axe that Gimli uses a ton in the "later" movies, or one that is identical in size and design.
    – Balin, the company's notary, the older dward with the full silver hair and beard, is the one the fellowship finds the grave of in Moria, before they have to fight their way out through goblins, a troll and later the Balrog.

  15. Just want to say that I had enjoyed this reaction of yours on The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey. You have quite a few different views from the other reactors that I've seen and love that you enjoyed it so far!

  16. I warned you at the end of Return of the King. It will forever consume you. One will wonder about the most minute detail, want the read the books etc etc etc. Dang it all. It is hard burden being nearly always correct, but no ever takes you seriously. Being a Kasandra (Read the Illiad and Odyssey people!) sucks! 🙂

  17. I guess that the unexpected actor your brother was taking about was the voice of the Goblin king, Barry humfies, aka dame edna. Or perhaps Sylvester McCoy as radagast the brown aka one of the dr who's

  18. god i remember being so excited as a teenager for these movies, just insanely hyped! it was mainly bc firstly, i was just in my lord of the rings phase, but ALSO in my BBC Sherlock phase (who has a voice acting role in the third hobbit movie), and so i LOVED martin freeman as bilbo (he is, in my opinion, very much perfect for this role) so this was like a dream come true. ive seen most of the movies several times in the theater and even went to all three hobbit conventions here in germany, where a lot of the hobbit actors made appearances (that was so fucking cool). i remember sitting there in the theater, watching the movie, hearing the dwarves sing the "far over the misty mountains cold" song and almost crying bc of how amAZING that sounded. and while i dont really watch the hobbit movies anymore bc the flaws have become way, way more apparent to me over the years, they (and more imporantly, the characters in them) will always have a special place in my heart i think…

  19. An idea for Doctor Who (or any long series you want to do), you could simply do a small video recap of the episode and what you liked and didn't like. 10-15 minutes for example. Without video footage, maybe just pictures from the episodes. And your full reaction, if you want to do one could be on Patreon. Of course I would like a reaction on YouTube too, but your health is more important and editing seems like very time consuming and difficult (I've never done editing before so I don't know).

  20. About the names, don't put pressure on yourself! I don't know the names either and I watched it many many times! And read the book! Just as long as we know who you're talking about, it's fine! 😊👍 (Same with cities and other names. Just enjoy the movies, no pressure!)

  21. Sorry if someone already said thos–Billy Boyd wrote the music to "Home is behind" and he performed the song BUT Tolkien wrote the poem. I think it was supposedly written by Bilbo.

  22. They are fun movies. My family watches them along side the lord of the rings yearly. They are very tuneally different. They're cheesier, but they're not bad. Just different, and not as good. But it is hard to stand beside near protection, and not end up in it's shadow.


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