How Ukraine humiliated Russia’s navy with homemade missiles | Russia Ukraine update

How Ukraine humiliated Russia’s navy with homemade missiles | Russia Ukraine update: When Peter the Great created the Russian navy almost 350 years ago, his goal was to put Moscow on the map as a rival to great European empires like Britain and France. Now, Russia’s navy is in tatters and Putin’s hopes of building a new empire to rival Peter’s have been wrecked on the battlefields of Ukraine. The Black Sea Fleet has seen at least seven of its ships sunk, hundreds of its sailors killed, and its home base at Sevastopol repeatedly blown up. The crowning humiliation was watching its capital ship, the Moskva, being sent to the bottom of the sea by Ukraine – which has no functional battleships of its own. Now the fleet – or what remains of it – is reduced to hiding behind Crimea, out of range of Ukraine’s missiles, while launching its own rockets at defenceless civilians. This is the story of how the force that established Russia as a power-player on the world stage is now struggling to stay afloat.
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33 thoughts on “How Ukraine humiliated Russia’s navy with homemade missiles | Russia Ukraine update”

  1. Since when does ANY navy STILL have battleships? The script writers of this video need to get their terminology straight otherwise they will look like they have no idea what they are talking about. (PS the word the writers seem to be searching for is "warships". That was a fairly basic blunder that not even a ten-year-old would make,)

  2. Russia across the board simply relies upon old soviet military equipment. It hasn't really built much new on its own. Because it can't. The soviet union relied upon its satellite states for its manufacturing and knowledge base. When the union fell apart, that manufacturing and knowledge base left with the now independent states. Russia thinks it was the soviet union, and this war is proving that it isn't. Add in a dictatorship that's corrupt from top to bottom and you get what we see now. A third rate power teetering on the brink, with only a potemkin village of military might, and nukes. Which are likely in similar states of disrepair as the rest of the military.

  3. When are you Boys gonna Learn.?
    Having got stuck in the Narrative, you got Whipped in Bakhmut, Now renamed as Artmoskv.
    Quit, before your Economy goes to Tatters.!

  4. This is nothing more than a pipe dream for the uninformed. The first question to ask is why China has the second largest economy but its currency the yuan shares only 2.5% of the foreign reserves (mostly by Hong Kong and Russia)? Because no one trusts the Chinese government's commitment to the rules of law and the yuan as a store of values. Adding a bunch of failing economies such as Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, and Russia to that of China to create a new currency does not make that currency any better than the yuan itself. Furthermore, China will never accept a currency it has little control of.

  5. Never trust a ship they call unsinkable however this guy makes this sound like losses will never occur with an advanced ship from other navies around the world while anti ship missiles are a very serious threat to ships especially in use of defending ones coast from large scale incursions this alone is likely to keep many navy commanders up at night sometimes if war ever were to break out

  6. This similar video on Russian TV shows a different story. Villages that have been bombed to dust somehow have come back to life. When Russians drive in they are greeted with flowers and wine. Flowers grow, trees are green, and children play. But in this exact location in the real world, only rumble stands. This war on Moscow TV seems to make it into the liberation of Ukraine from the NAZI stormtroopers. Russia must have made Adobe with its After Effects software happy.

  7. What a magnificent, courageous fighting force the Ukrainian forces are. Truly these defenders are heroes, fighting for freedom against a tyrants oppression. Karma is inexorable.


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