Speed Paint Rusty Gallowdark Scenery with Peachy

Peachy takes you through two ways to paint the Gallowdark scenery from the Kill Team Into the Dark boxset. The first is using Dirty Down rust and the second using regular citadel paints to achieve a rust like effect.

DIRTY DOWN RUST: https://elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/dirty-down/rust-effect-25m?d=10835

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Paint list:
Chaos black โ€“ Undercoat
Leadbelcher โ€“ Undercoat
Dirty Down โ€“ RUST
Iron Hands Steel
Baal Red
Grey Seer
Karandras Green
Screaming Skull
Corvus Black
Mournfang Brown
Troll Slayer Orange
Typhus Corrision


40 thoughts on “Speed Paint Rusty Gallowdark Scenery with Peachy”

  1. Oh wow, that dirty down stuff is something else huh! I've seen the rust and the other colours they do when i've been in element games, but honestly I never thought to give it a try since the label looked like it was done with word art and I didnt think it'd be that great, never judge a book by its cover eh!

  2. I use to do the rest I use the stuff from Hobby hobby like card making and paper making paint spray called distress oxide and it works great and thereโ€™s like you can thereโ€™s another trick to the stuff just add water and the stuff bleaches quickly and it works great for what I used it for Iโ€™m painting a graveyard and it has the fence and I use that and it works great just go to ranger you guys and get that stuff called distress oxide And itโ€™s pretty cheaper then then hobby rest and stuff like that


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