Oprah FINALLY Breaks Silence On Taraji P Henson Pay Controversy (PR Damage Control?)

Oprah FINALLY Breaks Silence On Taraji P Henson Pay Controversy (PR Damage Control?)

Oprah has finally addressed the controversy over Taraji [tə-RAH-jee] P. Henson seemingly calling her out for lowballing her, and it looks like Oprah is now doing PR damage control because she’s worried people will boycott The Color Purple…

In case you missed out on this drama, Taraji – who stars in the new Oprah-produced adaptation of The Color Purple – made waves by revealing she almost walked away from the project over low pay…

Taraji even said she’s considering quitting acting for good because she hasn’t seen a raise in her income since 2018…

However, when the Internet started calling out Oprah and pointing out that this is exactly what Monique tried to warn everyone about years ago, Taraji hopped on Instagram to say Oprah actually supported her…

But see, fans are speculating that Taraji was forced by the studio to post the message because this whole drama went down just days before The Color Purple’s release date.

And now Oprah herself has addressed the controversy in an Instagram post but get this – she turned off the comments not just on this post but on all the posts she shared for the past couple of weeks…

So what is Oprah’s explanation for Taraji almost walking away from The Color Purple? Did she actually support her or is this what her PR crisis team wants us to believe???

Let’s get into it!

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#oprah #tarajiphenson #celebritynews #thishappened


41 thoughts on “Oprah FINALLY Breaks Silence On Taraji P Henson Pay Controversy (PR Damage Control?)”

  1. It’s so wrong! Oprah is filthy rich, there’s no reason she shouldn’t be paying Taraji like she deserves. She’s amazing actresss and has more than proved her worth. I can’t stand Oprah. She makes me sick. She’s not a good person, especially based on her phased actions and behavior.

  2. Oprah. You’ve had your run as the most honored Oreo of all time. Despite making movies ‘for the black community’ with other sold out black stars, your true agenda is now revealed and your authentic self left naked and shamed. Sadly, your ego and narcissism are too ingrained to ever change. I no longer pray for God’s mercy on your soul because it’s been sold to the devil for too long.

  3. I’m not a black lady however I grew up around my black friends and Taraji and all the beautiful black actresses that are in this 2023 color purple
    Let’s get Oprah how much she received when she was a major actress in the color purple in the 80’s and see if it’s anywhere to what these black actresses received in 2023???

  4. I used to listen to Oprah. She made people feel valued, heard, and was part of a solution. That's how tv presented her. That was back in 2007. In 2024, I cannot even look at her. I even cringe when I hear her speak about her "hope", "awareness". Something is off.

  5. Okay, so now we see who Oprah really is.

    We will be seeing the movie in spite of you, Oprah- not boycotting it… and now especially because of Taraji, whom I've heard is absolutely stellar in this movie. How dare you pay Monique 50thou for a movie that made you MILLIONS, then low ball yet another stunning actress for another movie that also stands to make you millions.

    Tell me, is it really that big of a 'risk' to lose some money on a project when you already have billions in your bank account? Is it gonna break you to pay these women a couple hundred thou? They're supposed to do it for "the love of their art", but you get to reap all the profit? And then, the icing on the cake, they're supposed to do promotion on their own dime. Yeah, you're smellin' like roses right about now.

    Check yo'self, before you wreck yourself, Miss O. You need to start living the sh!t you spout on the telly. What happened to "lifting others up" and lighting the way for those that come behind you? Maybe it's time you retire to your palatial Hawaiin estate and give others a chance at making some bank. Apparently, you think this is 1982.

    p.s. you might have that awful 'hoarding' disease, ya know. Should prolly talk to Dr. Phil about it.

  6. I don't understand what the problem is, culturally woke people. Weren't most of you proud when Oprah stood on the shoulders of black people, in order to kiss the butts of the white, rich and upper middle class?
    Now, don't take the 'white' comment personally, y'all. Oprah knew where the money was, and that's where she smiled, shined, and -judging from her connections with Epstein, Weinstein and others – dropped to her knees, if and when necessary.
    – Weren't you watching her shows to see just many of her seats actually had black women sitting in them?
    – Are you truly surprised that she would short-change people who relied on her to raise the level of black awareness through movies where they not only told a good story, but got paid well for doing so?
    – Didn't you think it was funny to watch Tyler Perry portray older black women in such a disrespectful way?
    And then there's Perry:
    Has it finally sunk in that Tyler Perry was looking at the black community and one day said to himself, "I'm just gonna put another coat of blackface on, and make me some money."

    Btw, with all the noise about "The Color Purple," has anyone heard from Steven Spielberg whose company is also a player in this scenario? Can we assume that his "absence" speaks to the reality that some in hollywood are teflon-coated. I'm still trying to figure out Whoopie didn't get cancelled. Sorry, Will and Jada. lol

    It was hilarious when Oprah said she only made 35,000 in the original movie, especially since 35,000 was like having a million bucks back then. But I guess we're not supposed be able to count and compare, right?

    1. Maybe all you "good" people should look for the comments made by Spike Lee years ago, when he said that he had no respect for Tyler Perry because of those race bait movies, many of which you can see on OWN television, I think.
    2. Maybe you now see that Oprah used us as tokens just like the other celebrities who needed to show that they, too, had black friends.
    3. Maybe you should rethink the friendship between Oprah and Gayle, then stop watching CBS and OWN television.

    Maybe it's time to wipe the shoeprints off your shoulders and stop support people like this, who rarely – if ever – thought about anything more than their own self-security. Because at the end of the day, people like Oprah, Perry and even T.D. Jakes live by one motto, "It's never been about anyone or anything else, but ME."

  7. Okay look, we all know Black women in the vast majority of industries and instances are underpaid…… HOWEVER IN THIS CASE….. If yall are ever in doubt about why TARAJI P. HENSON and MONIQUE are paid the way they are, go back and check the box office numbers for all of their movies…. Find ONE movie that MONIQUE was the main star of, that grossed over $100 million at the US box office and made a big profit for a movie studio……… YOU CAN'T BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! You find me another movie besides "Hidden Figures" that TARAJI P. HENSON was the main star of that grossed over $100 million at the US box office…. The higher grossing movies that she was in, she was not the lead star… Someone else's star power brought in those numbers…… It does not matter how long an actor or actress has been in the industry or even if they won an Oscar…… WHAT MATTERS is can their movies bring in big box office numbers for movie studios….. on a consistent basis……There is a reason WILL SMITH gets paid more than Taraji… And it's not all because of his gender…If Taraji and MoNique EVER START bringing big box office numbers consistently, they will be able to negotiate MUCH bigger contract…. Movie executives WANT to cast actors who bring in big numbers… no matter what their race or gender…. NO NEED TO ARGUE….. Go checkout the box office numbers for THE COLOR PURPLE.. and You'll see what I'm talking about…. Right now, that movie is LOSING MONEY…. It cost Oprah and the other producers $100 MILLION to make that movie… And it needs to make at least $250 million to make a profit…. It won't even come CLOSE to that…… THAT'S WHY they are paid like that…


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