Adorable Baby Boy Talks To His Giant Fluffy Guard Dogs! (Cutest Ever!!)

Little Nathan has recently mastered the roll over and now he needs to shout about it! He has to tell Teddy his best bud, Phil and …


43 thoughts on “Adorable Baby Boy Talks To His Giant Fluffy Guard Dogs! (Cutest Ever!!)”

  1. Emma, this is the best so far! Nathan is so sweet, but you can tell he's a strong guy, with a lot to say to his canine siblings. And, I saw that Phil is on the sofa, watching everything❤❤.

  2. Nathan wanted to stand up. You can see by the look of his face and the way he tried to push himself up. He did not like to be the shortest one in the crowd.

  3. Das ist so schön wie die Hunde das Baby beschützen und in seiner Nähe bleiben. Wenn ein Kind lacht oder lächelt ist das so wunderbar. Das ist ansteckend.

  4. I just found the world's ugliest dog. A Pug × Greyhound mix. Nightmare fuel.

    So thanks for erasing my mind of that image Teddy. Malamutes are awesome. Definitely something to consider later in life.

  5. these people are nuts and crazy , they have no sense at all, until the dog kills the baby because the parents are fools !!!! what if the baby grabs the dog?and dog retaliate , were are the brains of such parents ??????


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