Old Salts and Old Tales: USS Little Rock

In this video we go in depth with some crew of USS Little Rock who were here visiting their “girl” for the Little Rock Association reunion.

We head up to some Flag Crypto spaces, down to CIC and Gun plot and lastly to the forward engine room. Along the way you’ll hear some stories of the ship and what life was like for these guys on board.

Come along for the ride!

Thanks for all your support!


8 thoughts on “Old Salts and Old Tales: USS Little Rock”

  1. That was very enjoyable, thank you, Shane.
    Loved the tale about the illegal and hidden Bud can almost hitting the supervisor. 🤣

    Best story I can recall at my work was my supervisor frantically shaking his head when I was pulling in a worked pallet while District bigwigs were touring. I quickly made a turn and headed out again like I was just changing direction for a moment. Turned out our leaders had told D that we had already cleared all incoming. He inferred to District I was doing refill work which was okay for that late in the day.
    Shenanigans are universal it seems.

  2. Just caught this video. Well done again, Shane. My only story in my short time aboard the Little Rock was I cut off the end of my thumb on a meat slicer preparing dinner one evening. The Corpsman sewed it back on but it didn't last, so the other cooks said I had two left thumbs. It was funnier in the 70's!! Blessings from Kansas~


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