Numerology Predictions for the Year 2023 – Personal Year 1 to 9

With the new year, a new vibration starts affecting our destiny. The Year 2023 resonates with the mystical number 7, the energy of Ketu and Neptune. In this video, you will learn how to calculate your Personal Year Number for the time ahead, and receive a detailed forecast on the gifts and challenges of the upcoming year.

Neptune and Ketu govern our subconscious and our dreams. They will be affecting our relationships, career, creativity, study and the way we perceive life. Many things will not go as planned, there will be many surprises and turns of events. A lot of confusion and lack of clarity is possible, that is why it is very important to take time to destress, dive within and get in touch with our inner guidance.

Anything we have left in the past can be uncovered, many secrets revealed, mysteries uncovered.

When the frequencies of the number seven are balanced, they provide strong intuition and wisdom, deep insights, creativity, inspiration, and psychic abilities. This year will be great for those who use their Neptunian gifts for the greater good, who help people and other living beings. The frequency of 2023 is very supportive of those who invest their heart into making the world a better place, who strive to protect our Mother Earth and the harmony between all her kingdoms. To these people, financial abundance will flow. There will be many moments of sudden inspiration and boosted creativity.

The overall effect of the number seven will be felt by all of us. If you take a piece of paper and calculate your personal year number for the year 2023, you can receive insights into a more detailed view of your personal gifts and challenges in the year ahead of us.


00:00 The overall frequency of the year 2023: Influence of Neptune, Ketu, and number 7 on all of us

02:06 How to calculate your Personal Year Number – find your Personal Year Vibration for 2023

03:21 Personal Year 1: new horizons and new beginnings, sparked by the energy of the Sun. Strong creativity, dreams, and inspiration of Neptune.

04:02 Personal Year 2: strong influence of the Moon. Focus will be on relationships, family life, and friends. Number 2 will be strongly influenced by Ketu and Neptune, so there could be some super-sensitivity and deep sentimentality.

04:38 Personal Year 3: a Neptune-Jupiter year. Expanding your social life and your horizons, meeting new friends, and traveling. Jupiter is the planet of children, so if you are wishing for a child, pregnancy could occur this year. A good time to take on any kind of study that excites you, to enroll in a course or education

05:28 Personal Year 4: Strong influence of Rahu and Neptune. A year of major grounding which could pertain to your career, maybe building or renovating your home, just about anything that really needs to be done, and you will be greatly supported to do it. The year could feel Saturnian.

06:46 Personal Year 5: A year of change, fast movement, excitement, communication. In this year of Mercury and new opportunities, the sky is the limit.

08:08 Personal Year 6: A year ruled by Venus, the planet of charisma, love, and beauty. It will bring you closer to people in your family, and even to those who haven’t been in your life for a very long time. Since for all of us 2023 will be a Ketu year, it could carry a sense of karma.

09:38 Personal Year 7: searching for a deeper meaning. A great year for studying the mystical, metaphysical, and spiritual, or going on a meditation retreat; anything to bring you closer to your inner voice and your connection with the Source.

10:52 Personal Year 8: you will reap what you have sowed in the past. Most people, influenced by the year eight vibration, will have the power to do what they wish to do, and will do it well. The number eight is a karmic number, so if any larger losses happen, know that those are karmic debts; let them go with your blessing, don’t hold onto them, but rather see them as making space for something new.

12:07 Personal Year 9: a culmination year for you. Invest your time into decluttering your life, not only in your physical home, but also in your mind and heart. Especially for people who generally have a strong Mars influence, it is very beneficial to find time for themselves, but most of all, not to get into arguments when being faced with demands from your family members or colleagues. Find the time to remove yourself from all the noise, to de-stress, re-center, and find peace.

13:23 Conclusion


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