No One Wanted To be Her Boyfriend, One Day She Finds Out Why


18 thoughts on “No One Wanted To be Her Boyfriend, One Day She Finds Out Why”

  1. I always wonder why in rom coms that if a woman previously doesn't want to have children, she'll inevitably change her mind after spending just a few hours with one.

  2. I remember watching this after my exhusband abandoned me and my children. I am as married 17 yrs and suddenly feel like my world crashing down on me. I didn’t know who I was and I didn’t even know how I could be alone. I tried hooking up with men for self validation too but realizing I don’t need another man in my life to find value in my self. Loving oneself is important. It’s nice if another person loves me back but finally I am ok and not lonely.

  3. How to be single – Love some 1 with all the soul and time and everything you have so that when that person leaves then you can't love any 1 else for you'd be tired and exhausted with all the love you've already poured out…just waiting for the end…

    That's just 1 way to be single…
    I know it sounds dark…cuz it's dark…

  4. women that act like that in their 20s, start asking where are the good guys at in their 30s, 2-3 cats later they are in their 40s and dying inside and cant make children anymore, miserable in their 50s die alone because they are insufferable in their 60s or so. The girls that started a family in their early 20s are extremely happy and live way longer then the sloots that cant pairbond because they have a high body count. eww nasty


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