News World Devs announce MASSIVE PvP changes coming VERY SOON

The New World devs gave us a pretty huge announcement today on the forums. This time they’re telling us about the HUGE amount of changes coming to New World PvP, as well as their vision for the future of PvP, Wars, and territory control in New World.

Link to the dev announcement post:

See also:
13k/hour skinning spot:
CRAZY Brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
Ebonscale money farming route:
Ultimate azoth guide:
3 fast ways to make money:
Ultimate money guide:
Gear score exploit:
How to get 600 gear score:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

PvP has been marred by New World exploits, New World cheats, New World gold dupe bugs, and more. The Hatchet exploit is particularly concerning but the devs also announced that it’s actively being worked on, along with the resilience bug that’s breaking the game as well. The broken abilities for fire and ice mages are being fixed as well.

Today’s New World dev announcement is massive. There are so many good changes coming to PvP in the coming days, weeks, and months, it’s amazing. The New World news has been crazy lately, but this announcement is one you’re going to want to hear about or read for yourself.

I’m very excited to see these changes play out so PvP can be more fun in the late game of New World.


40 thoughts on “News World Devs announce MASSIVE PvP changes coming VERY SOON”

  1. Sounds great. Adding Luck to flagged players is a HUGE boost to the PvP in the game. 10% EXP was laughable for the amount of headaches and lost time walking back to where you got mobbed.

  2. Their idea of having a portion all territory income to get spread to all other territories… idk. I think it should spread a portion of the income to territories of the same faction.

  3. The one change I dont think they will be ballsy enough to make is adding friendly fire… enemy heals work on their enemy… enemy aoe hits their allies also… much more coordination needed then.

  4. massive updates.. but no fixes on servers full of void bent.. resil bugs.. hatchet exploits.. g axe exploits.. auto cannon fire mages and healers.. but we got more content to keep you occupied.. fkn joke

  5. i wish mmos would for once at least for a moment that everyone doesn't give a shit about pvp i play any of them for the pve only i don't care ever what pvp is going through every game i have ever played was changed in to many ways because pvp players bitch to much they need to put those people on their own servers thats what they want and what war does in this game is what it does for all the others people start gate keeping im not in a damn company i don't care what they do this game has way more bs than pvp. and since online games have been a thing if you are ganna put out a game finish that junk first thats greed causing that shit

  6. That luck is way to op bs unbalanced pvp soo stupid now i have to turn on pvp and i quess also play unfair and get bored and quit and watermark from pvp so i quess time to farm friends in a diff faction

  7. I feel like they need to add some more solo pvp stuff like. like arena 1v1 ranking system and the rewards shouldn´t just be gold or azoth it should also be weapons or gear

  8. I’m not sure of you saw it but I think you mentioned in a previous video but the item dupe when crafting is literally game breaking dosnt spend your mats and you can craft thousands of void bent for free

  9. how can i flagged pvp when i only play with my few friends. I would ran into 20+ pvp flagged members company farm in SM and it is my inevitable death.
    I enjoy farming with my friends in small party but pvp luck would definitely kill the joy. How would i enjoy farming when i know idiots running around doing nothing have better chance getting rare items

  10. Literally no one cares. This game is riddled with bugs/exploits/cheats and the devs can't fix those. Have fun wasting your life with this shit game that will be shutdown in the all too near future.

  11. I hope everyone could complain about their chaotic GUI in the war…

    Every MMO does that shit, so devs won't care, unless players start to complain.

    I hoped they could mention it in this post but seems not.

    Lets face reality. should "war" suppose be a whole screen of player names and auras? Visually blocked fancy characters? Blindnessly hitting hotkeys? Use your imagination to create that big scenes only in your brain?

    Players tend to keep silent because when you complain "shit game the GUI is not comfortable", ppl already typed "git gud" and ready to hit enter. (basically any complain about PvP, you will have that)

    so lets complain the GUI more. until they pay attention.

  12. This is all cool and fun but what about Healers? There's a high chance we're not gonna get killed in 1v1,2v1 but that also means we are not able to get kills to increase the chance of getting higher watermark. Does it also work with "assists"?


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