New Fusion and Login Legendary | Eharbad's Diary – Episode 5 | Raid Shadow Legends

Eharbad’s Diary – discussing the new Fragment-Fusion and the new free login champion. Plus the soulstone summoning event and one last plan of attack on Cursed city

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25 thoughts on “New Fusion and Login Legendary | Eharbad's Diary – Episode 5 | Raid Shadow Legends”

  1. I think there is a chance this guy is about to break hydra like trunda, madman etc, maybe not as bad as corpulent.

    But am I right in saying that you could run him in the double yumeko/ trunda comp in place of a trunda? or for double trunda teams maybe have him in one of the trunda slot and take advantage of her burns??

    Or brogni in infinite teams can have his burns on and can break it all the same?

    Think hes gonna be insane

  2. Dear Eharbad.
    About Rathalos. Are we sure skill excludes A1? On Aeila Lifebraid (sylvan watcher void epic) her passive says "……after using any active skill."
    So if they use the wording active skill there, do we trust them to be consistent here as well and "skill" can also be A1. If A1 is the case we are going to lose a lot of dmg unless we save the A2 for every 5th attack.

    Best of luck with Gory. (for the record I am stuck on the same levels on normal as you are in hard)

  3. I completely agree with your feelings about limited time champions. My thoughts exactly. If they keep this trend, it might make me quit the game. It's already pay to win but at least, in theory a free to play player could get everything at some point. But with this new additions, it means if you don't spend, you aren't getting some of the champions, it's not something I want to be a part of.

  4. You know how they turn extra coins or resources or whatever that you don’t spend in an event into silver? I’m wondering if they might end up doing that at the end of the Xena event which would be pretty sweet to just get a dump of silver. Realistically, though, we probably won’t get anything lol.

  5. I wouldn't be summoning my soul shards, because we are getting heros path for that block debuffs blademaster and also in tormin event heros path we also had the same thing, i just have a feeling they will pull something sneaky and this is a bit of a bait to spend all of our soul shards.

  6. I have no idea how to get more points for the stupid soul chase. I spent everything I had with 6x Mortal Soulstones and 3x Immortal Soulstones, and I ended up getting a total of 16 points in the event. I got 5x 1* souls, 1x 2* soul, and 3x 3* souls, all rares…I only get 6 keys per day (12 if I spend gems) for the Iron Twins, but I can only clear the first 1-2 stages of each affinity. That's an average of 360 Mortal Soul Coins per day, and you need 1000 to get a Mortal Soulstone, which is pretty much a guaranteed 1 point. It took me two weeks to save up the soulstones I had, and I can't even get the lowest freaking prize.

  7. I wouldn’t have claimed the prism crystals. The last few times the tourny and events screens stayed in game longer than the summon pool. So when they expired the crystals went into the shard portal but nothing got summoned. Used them in the next pool then – which May be the monster hunter one

  8. Love your content man for a multitude of reasons. You are very level-headed, mathematic, and sensible, give great advice that I've followed quite often, and have a soothing voice and accent.

    You got it all lol

  9. If you are keen on the new Archer Champion that will be available in the Summon Pool event. You might want to hold off on collecting the prism shards until the events expire so they go in to your inbox after the current one has ended because Plarium forces you to use your shards for the Summon Pool events, you can't save them if you have enough in the Portal.


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