Nebulous Fleet Command – NOT the EXPANSE – But It COULD BE: The Protectorate Update

The Protectorate Update is an upcoming update for NEBULOUS: Fleet Command. The update will feature a wide selection of new ships – bringing with it a style of combat between a ragtag band and the technology superior alliance navy. The Protectorate Update will be available on 27 February.

More on Nebulous: Fleet Command can be found here:

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36 thoughts on “Nebulous Fleet Command – NOT the EXPANSE – But It COULD BE: The Protectorate Update”

  1. This is a great game, no doubt about that, but they could really use someone to professionally edit and provide contextual commentary to some of their videos. Almost all the videos on their channel are like the one playing in the background here – unedited streams of people rapidly clicking though menus, often running to over an hour. For anyone just stumbling on the game it's quite confusing and off putting

  2. I love this, but I feel if anything the comparison with the expanse is even stronger, since the new faction is basically the OPA. For anyone who does want to play like its the expanse vs the AI, the steam workshop has a Martian ship mod which is amazing. Id also recommend one of the nuke mods. Nothing like seeing pdc's miss all but one of your missiles, which promptly melts a poor battleship. Also makes stealth ships like the TACHI viable against fleets.

  3. Hopefully they do something about the ""Blanket" Jammers. Because currently the only viable tactic is to bring as much jammers as you can and the only counter to jamming is to bring more jammers than the enemy.

  4. It's good to see more people reviewing and discovering this. As someone who has several hundred hours in Nebulous, I have two pieces of advice to give new players who will take part in multiplayer. Bring floodlights, and have someone on your team bring intelligence. That is all.

  5. Obsidian, do check out the game called Occupy Mars: The Game. Its a mars base builder highly technical and while it does not feature interstellar travel it has exploration on rovers on surface of mars. They are in kickstarter so would benefit from a highlight

  6. it allways ammuses me how theres so many comparisons to the expanse when all thats similer is that the ships do a reverse burn when they enter a battle. yet in game the ranges are not realistic, ships have a capped max speed, theres no systems to manage heat, recoil is non existant. its quite ammusing how vocal the expanse community is about wanting a game to be like there love.

  7. It's not "The Expanse" for sure – and it couldn't be because the whole design goal is different – e.g. it's a game that focuses on what is basically a heavily expanded Homeworld (or the PDC mod to be precise) combat. But every weapon has an arbitrary speed limit and ships are of the generic "horizontal" aesthetic so it's quite not so "The Expanse".

    Saying that – the game certainly needs a much better UI for plotting missile paths – it's just way too unusable at the moment. You spend more time trying to place a point in 3D space than actually figuring out the best path.

  8. That is one of those games that will cook slowly over time and get better and better.
    A true labor of love.
    But also with a distinct taste that is not for every one.
    Also I think it is more of a military space combat simulator than a game.


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