NASA releases photo of Mars showing door-like structure in mountains | Oneindia News

A recent photograph of Mars sent by the Mars Curiosity rover shows a door-like structure in the middle of the mountain-like structure, which has led to speculations of someone or something might be living or was living in that place.

#Mars #NASA #Doorlikestructure

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23 thoughts on “NASA releases photo of Mars showing door-like structure in mountains | Oneindia News”

  1. You spend billions to find life on Mars or anywhere . IT WILL BE UTTER FAILURE.
    Bible says life was created by God only on Earth. Don't waste money on these useless researches rather use them for upliftment of poor people all over.

  2. Natural structure my ass! You can see so many shapes on Mars that nature just doesn't do! I'm talking about rectangular shapes with perfect right angles, round shapes, blocks and thin sheets of stuff all with right angles, sometimes you can even see what looks like rebar sticking out of what looks like broken concrete slabs. Its unreal, and still they try to tell us all of it is just natural formations–no way… I would like to hear the theory that could explain how that opening or apparent opening was naturally formed.

  3. With the traces in front of the door there's visibly some rock like the debris around that flew straight into the mountain and carved that shape on impact, let's not forget Mars is a crazy place with huge storms and flying rocks which probably make things like these all the time

  4. Clearly the remainings of a dead civilization.. Sadly, if any of you is somehow alive and somehow come across this message .. Do visit me for a cup of tea and lets mourn together to mourn for your civilization's lost. My coordinates : Long 10.4176 Lat 7.3442

  5. These are normal geological processes at work. We see a doorway just like we are seeing shapes of animals in the clouds.

    That’s just our creative human brain at work trying to make sense of things.

    If it really was shaped by extinct Martian’s able to carve out rocks, you’d see more symmetry and markings, and the doorway would be part of a larger structure – not some random entry point in the middle of nothingness.

  6. I find it disgusting how a news channel with nearly a million subscribers would post such fucking deniable evidenceless simply untrue bullshit.
    What's sadder is people believe it and have to consider if it's real or not. Of course it's fake jesus christ.


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