My Year in Gear 2023 – Guitars, Amps and Pedals

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Use the code JNC40 for a 40% discount off all courses, or JNC100 for $100 off all access membership! get my lesson tabs and backing tracks here – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

Get my PADs bundle here: (this folder will grow, and I’d encourage you to ask for different keys/songs and stuff that might suit this type of preset?)

I’ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix/HX Stomp bundles (the expression bundle with freeze presets has always been separate) together – – I will then email you a link to both bundles!

Try my general patches for Helix or HX Stomp in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

You can get my EXPRESSION patches in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

Try my patches for Pod GO using this link – I will then send out the patches! get my backing tracks here – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!


26 thoughts on “My Year in Gear 2023 – Guitars, Amps and Pedals”

  1. John, Thanks so much for you contribution to the online guitar community. I think I speak for many that your opening playing at the beginning of your videos is inspiring as well as educational. Your common sense approach to gear and finding value in our purchases is refreshing. Many of us feel you have our best interests at heart when you recommend gear. Congratulations on reaching 100K subs. 1,000,00 can't be that for off! Keep up the great work, JP

  2. PRS DGT SE – came and went. Quad Cortex sold.
    Breedlove Pursuit Nylon Acoustic – Keeper. Outstanding guitar for the money. NI Komplete Kontrol S88 MKii MIDI keyboard – no complaints.
    It was mainly a year of plugins for me: Fabfilter and SoundToys plugins are the standouts.

  3. Are those the stock pickups in the Tokai? Some serious Bare Knuckle-esque wide response there.. 2023 for me was the Epiphone Les Paul Modern, Strymon Cloudburst, Walrus 385mkII, the latter I bought solely based on your review [and have spent the rest of the year seeking the perfect amp in the Helix to match it with..] Congrats on 100K 🤘🙏

  4. PRS have been smashing it, especially Silver Sky and DGT. This year, Baum Wingman has been the highlight for me. Otherwise, it's been a pedal year. Del-verb, Sloer, Polymoon, Darkglass Hyperluminal, TC SCF+, KMA Queequeeg 2. And Meris Mercury X on the way for Cosmic Christmas. Got a second Vox AC for stereo rig, and some nice mics for stereo recording, JZ Vintage 67s. Next year will be stereo preamps.

  5. Selling wise I got rid of my Blackstar HT5R amp and a special addition Fender Tele shaped thing with 2 Seymour Duncan pickups FHT? I bought an American Pro Strat which is superb and an HX Stomp which I love. Been a busy year with house renovations and people visiting for holidays. Only did 2 gigs all year but a fair bit of recording. Oh, nearly forgot I bought a Sire Actve bass (v7?) Has the Jazz and P bass pickup config. First bass I’ve ever had so big learning curve. No new gear next year as my house needs a new roof. Apparently that’s more important than a PRS!

  6. This year I put together the backup board. Its the Stomp XL with the Halo delay and the Andy Timmons AT V2 Distortion. That's it. I have various non-effect pedals (AB switch, etc) but this setup has really worked for me. In fact, my regular board may end up being my backup. Congrats on the 100K subs. It has been rewarding to see you grow. Much success in the future.

  7. Excellent content the whole year! This video is not the exception! How about to do a “wish list” video of gear you’d like to try/buy in the next year! Keep up the good work!

  8. The only bit of gear I bought this year was my HX Stomp which I bought after my first tour and sold before my second upcoming tour! Right when I needed it the most!

    Congrats on 100K subs!

    I’m so sure this has already been mentioned but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Boss IR2

  9. John – a pleasure to get your perspective on equipment and music – and your playing is a joy to listen to. I've older setups – 2) Line 6 POD 500's along with a Line 6 DT 25 were my gigging and recording setups from pre-pandemic (I have other amps that get used for a variety of reasons but this is the one I still paly through most of the time). Band split as that was starting and it's where I've stayed mostly. New guitars this year include 2 D'Angelico Premier Bedfords – the first was an SH which I bought as a demo for a super low price – under$400 usd. and the second a Bob Weir model which has a super versatile pickup configuration (a blend between neck and bridge P90's). Wife bought me a Squire 40th Anniversary strat for our 40th anniversary and had some fun setting that up – but really starting to like it.

  10. "Baby arrived in January" followed by "played much less guitar this year and sold a lot of gear""

    Yep, been there bud. Girls are 18 and 15 and i still havent bought the gear to replace it yet


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