My Current Good Gut Health Routine | how healing my gut changed my life!

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Hi friends! In today’s video, I talk about why it is important to focus on your gut health, my journey with gut issues and how I improved my gut health. Remember everybody’s body is different. What may work for me may not work for you but I hope in some way this video sheds some light on your gut health journey!


Coming off birth control journey playlist –
Why I stopped being a sponsored supplement athlete –
My favorite clean ingredient supplements vlog –
My favorite bone broth –
Bischoff, S.C. ‘Gut health’: a new objective in medicine?. BMC Med 9, 24 (2011).
Front. Microbiol., 10 July 2018 |
Matenchuk BA, Mandhane PJ, Kozyrskyj AL. Sleep, circadian rhythm, and gut microbiota. Sleep Med Rev. 2020 Oct;53:101340. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101340. Epub 2020 May 13. PMID: 32668369.
Bell V, Ferrão J, Pimentel L, Pintado M, Fernandes T. One Health, Fermented Foods, and Gut Microbiota. Foods. 2018; 7(12):195.

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My favorite non toxic cookware (link saves you $) –

0:00 Intro
2:46 Signs of poor gut health
3:52 Why focusing on gut health is important
5:33 My gut health journey
10:49 What I STOPPED doing (diet)
14:20 What I STARTED doing (diet)
20:06 Lifestyle changes for good gut health
23:35 Final thoughts

Music by Citrus Avenue – Espresso Sun –

This video is sponsored by Seed. Amazon links and MagicLinks are affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my channel and I so that I can continue to create content for you! ♡

Another disclaimer:

All the information I provide is based on my personal experience and education. While I am a certified personal trainer, I strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise/nutrition program. Never rely solely on information on the web in place of seeking professional medical advice. The information contained in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and is made available to you as a self-help tool. Remember each individual’s health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on his or her related program or service, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life, experience, unique health and genetic profile, starting point, expertise, and level of commitment. However, with true hard work and dedication I believe that YOU can make a change in your life starting with this video.


41 thoughts on “My Current Good Gut Health Routine | how healing my gut changed my life!”

  1. My dad was told two years ago that he’s allergic to gluten and he’s lactose intolerant to his favorite things and then this last year me personally, I’ve been having so much emotional and physical problems. I go from a size 32 ways to 28 depending on what I eat. I took a step back a few weeks ago after being sick for like the fourth time this year and I stopped consuming gluten, and I stopped consuming lactose and I reduced my sugar intake. My skin cleared up within a week, and my stomach went down to a 27. When I’m sitting in shape, it’s about 26 so I’m pretty happy with the results. I am staying away from that stuff. My body can’t handle it anymore. YOLO, Life will go on.

  2. With record high inflation and everything is so unaffordable, it’s hard to control stress. Most people don’t think about gut health when they’re struggling for survival. Another video by a wealthy woman who out of touch with reality.

  3. love this! you should take a look at the new huberman lab video about sugar with dr lustig – i learned SO MUCH and learned much from you as well! well done! you should be proud of yourself!!!

  4. I explored your channel started from cycle synching videos, I think you're very cute, thanks for sharing!!

    I agree a lot to highlighted points, as well wanted to share with girlies in comment section what helped me to stop bloat, maybe it will help someone: 
    1. taking taurine in the morning before breakfast (to make bile more liquid and fluid), for sure before to have consultation with a doc
    2. drinking sour warm water 30 minutes prior every meal (like with lemon or with fruit acids capsules – to make the gut digest food better with gastric juice)
    3. having supplements plan following recommendations of nutritionist
    4. taking more animal protein (for sure if you're vegan, this recommendation wouldn't work for you 🙁 my problem with bloating was because of I didn't consume enough animal proteins and ate mostly potatoes, fruits and salads
    5. ALWAYS eggs for breakfast. My perfect breakfast is a plate full of proteins, fats and fibers  
    6. I had full check with gastroenterologist and gynecologist (there could be health issues needed to be solved, these helped me a lot)
    7. My superfoods are broth (boiled for 4+ hours bone tissue, tendons, cartilage – huge source of collagen and amino acids
    ) and fermented foods (source of probiotics)
    8. What immediately worked for me, I stopped drink cappuccino, latte and consume milk. Now I drink only black coffee. Instantly it helped me to clean my face from acne and to make my stomach being flat even at the end of the day
    9. Less fruits, they could make worse because of the fructose, big amount of fruits will make your gut suffer
    10. Very important, if you taking antibiotics, follow the clean diet!!!! (with no sugars, spicy, fried foods and alcohol), take probiotics and take care of what you eat, because antibiotics will damage your microbiota and you need to recover for at least a month after finishing antibiotics course.

    And, for sure, girlies, I want to say that those recommendations I got from doctors and nutritionist, it doesn't mean I wrote rules for everyone, but maybe you'll see any patterns with your lifestyle and will intend to implement them or to find right direction

  5. I’ve been having the worst acne and bloating ever over the past 9 months. This video made me realize that it might be due to my gut health! I’ve been learning how to cook Italian dishes this past year, which have included lots of gluten. I’ve tried tons of acne treatments which have turned out a bust. I might just make improving my gut my new 2024 resolution!

  6. Thank you for sharing this!! I had issues with gut health for years and never heard anything from my doctors. It is connected to so many issues we experience! I've also tried a brand called Adday wellness I work with that contained probiotics and additional support which really helped heal my gut personally. I love that you talk about the mental side of things too 🥰

  7. People are not gluten sensitive, they are pesticide sensitive. All wheat grown in the United States was genetically modified to be a pesticide. I switched to flour grown and produced in Italy and discovered it was never the "gluten."

  8. I’ve been having gut health issues for the longest time ever and it’s really getting worse now which is causing me some serious health issues. I’m so happy to get to find this video these are such good tips. Will definitely stop doing something’s from now on.

  9. It’s sad that people have to stop eating gluten to improve their gut health. This is a problem mostly prevalent in the United States. In other countries people don’t seem to have issues with gluten because the quality of food there is so much better.

  10. Theres so many chemicals, artificial colours, preservatives, etc…in all our food. Canola oil is in EVERYTHING. It is so bad for you. Also study was done on covvid vaxiness that showed all good gut bacteria dies after 90 days. This would have a huge effect on your immune system. Eating yoghurt, probiotic-foods may help

  11. I was having smoothies for 4 months and lost my baby weight what I was happy about . Suddenly started to have stomach cramps , bloating and now I had inflammation in my stomach . I’ve read that certain berries, fruit and greens combinations can become “toxic”. My mum is still drinking it and she is fine but apparently not everyone’s stomach can take it 😮. Now I’m afraid to have it because maybe that was causing my health issues

  12. i notice a lot of girls tend to have poor gut health for reasons very different to mine. my poor gut health was caused by chronic emotional and physical stress put on my body from malnourishment trying to better my diet and eat more wholesome not processed foods. when you get hungry, you’re supposed to feel the feeling in your stomach or you crave something, for me, i get acid reflux or a tension headache when i’m hungry. last month i was trying to find a bunch of healthy foods and snacks without carcinogens, inflammatory oils or refined sugars and i was struggling big time because in america, all the legitimately healthy snacks are not only over $10, but the portion is literally smaller. i also unintentionally would fast waiting until my big dinner and my body desperately needed food. i don’t suffer from bloating, my muscles get tense when i go too long without eating because for someone with severe emotional and or physical stress, the body perceives hunger as a threat and puts it into fight or flight mode triggering physical stress/anxiety symptoms and for me it’s a tension headache and muscle tension and i can’t get out of this rut because my gut health is not doing well because of my physical stress. i also have no appetite which sucks because my body is starving but i have to force feed myself a huge meal. i hope my symptoms clear up in two weeks since i’ve caught the pattern that my body needs me to eat every three hours. i will definitely try this.

  13. 🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂The very sad truth is that over 90% of the planets population belief is… good health is a POT LUCK thing and that they will not even give health a second thought until they get really TRULY SICK…. then 99% will just go see a Doctor and get pills or Meds to hide-treat the symptoms. The PRO_ACTIVE thinkers of the world KNOW BETTER…people are very lazy by nature thats why most people now days are FAT-LAZY and STUPID using smart phones all day every day…smart thinkers are very few and far between now, but anyone who has a brain and has tried Hydrogen for health, or better still Brown's Gas Hydrogen for health….TRULY KNOW IT IS THE HOLY GRAIL..BE ALL END ALL ANSWER TO ALL HEALTH RELATED PROBLEMS!!!! PRO_ACTIVE or NO _ACTIVE…HEALTHY OR SICK?…LIVE OR DIE??? make a choice guys and get off you Pitty Potties…🙏🙏🙏🙏😁😁🤷‍♂🤷‍♂

  14. for those who were like “NO GLUTEN?! NO BREAD?!” store bought bread in packaging is HORRIBLE for you. not simply because of the Gluten, but because of the type of ingredients they’re using in their bread. for example, bread in Europe is WAY different than bread in America. same goes for pastas, pastries and desserts. for one, the flour they use doesn’t contain the same type of pesticide ours does because it’s illegal in Europe. what i’m trying to say is that the pesticides in our flour and the process they put the flour through to be that “pretty” white color, which strips all the nutrients in it that helps our gut break it down, it’s all killing our gut health because of how processed and unhealthy it is. NOW! if you buy healthy flour that isn’t bleached or process and doesn’t contain pesticides, you could make your own breads and such! or buy organic pasta! there are healthier options than just cutting out bread altogether!

  15. I have been an athlete my whole life and been very lean (I’m over 6ft as a woman and weighed 135 pure muscle). Had a bad car accident that left me couch bound for about 6 months and I could not stand doing nothing. Decided to get into body building to rebuild my body and health but have been experiencing consistent stomach bloating, pain, swelling, only in my abdomen…I have tried so many different methods (also raised holistic with no dairy, I just don’t like cow milk) and still experience the bloating. I do eat clean, I prefer fruits and veg over meats, but love chicken and fish if I can get it. Going to try seed and see how that compares to the pre/pros I already take (cocojune yogurt, foragers cashew milk in my smoothies). I workout 5 days a week with hit at the end and my abs are still so inflamed (mainly near my rib cage too) 4:20


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