Murder-for-Hire Plot Goes Awry: Life Insurance Scam Mistake | Murder She Solved | Real Crime

The tragic story of a 46-year-old flight attendant who was shot by mistake close to her California home in 1995, in a complicated murder-for-hire plot gone awry.

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From “Murder She Solved”

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31 thoughts on “Murder-for-Hire Plot Goes Awry: Life Insurance Scam Mistake | Murder She Solved | Real Crime”

  1. Such a twisted story. Especially since it was a mistake (i dont want to give spoilers). Great episode and I am looking forward to listen to this. Thank you much. I learn so much from you guys to make my own youtube channel as good as you guys.

  2. I watch a lot of crime shows and I always have this one dark thought where I think to myself, would I be so lucky to make it out alive or not. You can be in a similar situation as someone and the odds will always be different.

  3. Frustrating!! “Nothing like that ever happens here” it happens everywhere…just a matter of time…very sad story…out for a jog enjoying your day and next thing your dead…because of some money hungry jerk and not even the right person!! I hope her children and husband have found some peace in their lives ❤

  4. Where I'm from in Virginia if that guy would have shot somebody and anybody saw it literally a third of the people carry. So there's a good chance that shooter would have gotten shot

  5. 28:20 "Alleyne's photo bears little resemblance to the composite…" – REALLY? It's almost identical, allowing for the odd shave and haircut over the past year or so.
    38:52 We see Mundy only from the front yet only compared to the profile composite. They remark about how the hair being the same from the side but don't show us, wtf?

    The composite is a completely different shape – long face, long nose – to Mundy, and identical to Alleyne. It bothers me that they compared this composite to a mugshot and ruled it out WITHOUT showing it to the eye witness. You can't trust a sketch. But if I HAD to, I'd have locked Alleyne up. No idea why they edited this to avoid that being obvious, or why they were so emphatic that it wasn't so obviously similar, it just bugs me is all. Why show Mundy's mugshot next to a SIDE sketch ONLY?

    EDIT – I googled and there's an FB page claiming he was wrongly incarcerated – now I'm wondering if they're right?

  6. I find it extremely odd that they looked into every cause of the murder ranging from life insurance to a jealous lover but they never mentioned it could've been a hate crime. Wonder why?

  7. It's actually pretty disgusting that detectives and police will rely so much on a polygraph. It's literal junk science, pass or fail, doesn't matter. Only real use is to put on the pressure as an interrogation tool. Tons of innocents have failed it, and tons of guilty have passed it.


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