Moscow turns to China as sanctions further isolate Russia

Russia’s prime minister is in Beijing, the highest-level Russian visit to China since the war in Ukraine began. China says it’s willing to take pragmatic co-operation between the two countries to a ‘new level.’

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45 thoughts on “Moscow turns to China as sanctions further isolate Russia”

  1. From what I see, this so called Western sanctions to isolate Russia has back fired. In reality opposite is true. It's the Western countries are isolated from the rest of the World. All U have to do is just to visit the grocery stores and check the food prices, the one bedroom apartment in Toronto is about 2100 dollars, the energy prices went through the roof and I don't even wanna talk about the inflation overall.
    I just wanna know, who are all those
    " GENIUSES " that came up with this so disastrous sanctions idea, which by the way screwed up so many lives of ordinary people allover the World!
    "CONGRATULATIONS " for making people poorer. 😮😢

  2. War is pointless because no one wins both sides lose millions of people, get their country destroyed i'm not taking sides with anyone not even my own country. In the end all of these countries still exist no matter who the leader is or who populates that land.

  3. Sanctions are making Russia very powerful and more than capable of dealing with NATO/West. The west should be more concerned with its image of Zelensky being crowned the "Clown" of G7 party.

  4. Here in Africa there is a growing friendshop with Russia. Sanctions is not an option against Russia. The G7 is now irrelevant and the leaders is really being given clown status around the world😂

  5. If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.

  6. Russian P.M went to offer a full surrender,
    Key G20 nations China, India, Brazil and Indonesia have adopted a resolution at UN general assembly which clearly qualifies war against Ukraine as a pure aggression by the Russian Federation !

  7. I have a feeling that the US' biggest nightmare may emerge in greater power. A new Soviet Union led by China. The NATO will be a joke if the two countries' military power is combined. Anyway, the two countries' interests are different, and don't want to be dragged into each other's war. That would be a relief to the US.

  8. I don't appreciate Canadian news turned into American propaganda.
    There are literally only a dozen countries sanctioning Russia. There are 200+ countries in the world.
    Sanction is the minority. I think we are isolating ourselves with the sanctions actually.
    Making it very hard to do business with countries like India which buys military equipment and fuel from Russia. They have no choice, the US backs Pakistan… and look how it turned out.

  9. Honestly the USA and Canada are colonial projects built on the backs of slavery and theft, I’ve lost my respect for the west a long time ago. I was born in Canada, but I don’t consider myself a Canadian, what ever that means.

  10. the sanctions don`t work well in Russia, as some have hoped, it actually will make Russia more independent and strong. it is a myth that Russia is isolated, CBC please be realistic, and don`t report propaganda !

  11. Is this Canada talking?, how's your own dictator doing, can you say something against him and use your debit card after?, Broken clowns from g7 seriously still thinking they important to the rest of the world.

  12. Lol, Canada & the G7? How bout fixing the housing prices where apartment's aren't $2500 a month its like they expecting everybody to have least 2 Bachelors degrees just to afford to live

  13. Isolated surplus in trade, once again one of the ten largest world economies. Investment never been higher, many Western companies have returned to Russia with alternative name, unemployment has never been lower with inflation at its lows and standard of living rising along with salaries. Winning across the board in the war. I don’t see isolation but progress

  14. Russia : Adios Europe, Hallo China !
    Europe : We cannot embargo Russia. Do lots of sanctions, lots of carve-outs, and exemption. Just a hidden link so one day we'll get Russia back.
    China : Thank you Europe, thank you USA. We love Russia energy/commodities, the Northern Sea Route, Sea food, their markets, their SU planes, their assistance with nuclear power, Russian ballets and music. Can't get enough.


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