Chad's defender extraordinaire… to the rescue?? (My Response)

I think Chad was misnamed… doesn’t seem to fit.
Enjoy this… everyone. She demonstrates what I *don’t want* here…
Comments written out of sheer ignorance of the topic at hand. Watch first…
ponder things… investigate… Research things… Don’t just fire off emotional, defensive
and ignorant comments. I hope she wakes up…. Good luck to her.

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21 thoughts on “Chad's defender extraordinaire… to the rescue?? (My Response)”

  1. Acting creepy…

    I don't think it's acting… 😬

    hes just a fckn creepy creeper IMO

    🤣🤣🤣 Double thumbs up

    Shes dead then…? she escaped the matrix..

  2. This was a purely emotional comment. No critical thinking, she’s followed him for yrs. So emotions got away.😂 And she’s escaped the matrix. HOW, she’s still here…😂 😂😂 unfortunately, the dark night of the soul is totally New (C)Age woo woo.
    There’s some you can never help in this realm Sanity, their in love with their prison bars.

  3. Lol.. their will be no “ truthers” left … I questioned him once and his response was less than gentlemanly . Not been on a few days .. got a YouTube strike .. or a badge of honour 🕺🏼

  4. Chad is one of the people who are "Iluminated", a.k.a. people who hold this reality. He can read thoughts, speak through toughts, mess with peoples energy, he can even put thoughts in your head, control your emotions… and most important he has access to "Astral dimension" or "Spiritual dimension" (the name is not important). "Astral or Spiritual dimension" is a realm or a plane of existence that actualy builds and controls this material existence where we all live (it manages it). Dreams are real, and dreams actualy come from astral. You dont make your own dreams, people like Chad who have access to Astral actualy project those dreams to you (Astral projection :D). Those people can also change their phisical appirence or shape shift, that is why they are called shape shifters, they are not lizard people, but people who have access to higher knowledge and planes of existence.

  5. I think that's the same chic on another video (your channel) attacked me in the comment section that I didn't have a clue what I was talking about 🤣. Maybe she should come to my porch and try to explain that to my face. Bet she'll understand what I meant by the time she leaves 😁 💥

  6. I don't think the people are even aware. It's the same with the people having a NDE, all the clues are right in front of their face. Yet, love and light they keep preaching. The matrix knows exactly who they have to target for an NDE. And yes, it is on purpose, always that 'accidental' nurse or doctor nearby. Scripted. But there's is something else going on. Kind of veil over their eyes. Fixed in their believes, cognitive dissonance and they fall back to their life script.
    Matrix is eco-friendly tho, everyone gets recycled.
    As above, so below. Here animals have to kill for survival, eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed. Suffering, and exploitation. As below so above.
    Good luck everyone to escape the samsara.

  7. The parasitic nature of the realm alone gives away why it’s here and who’s running it .
    Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if did actually look like pulsating evil black goo .
    Yes I’ve seen that NDE and I’ve seen it truth dropped in media

  8. I've actually wondered on occasion if I was put here because of some cosmic 'sin' I may have committed. Knowledge is power so I will watch more of your videos to learn more about the soul trap.


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