Mondays w/ Mrhappy #470 – Weekly Q&A

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23 thoughts on “Mondays w/ Mrhappy #470 – Weekly Q&A”

  1. #MrHappyMondays

    Hey Happs, I hope all went well for you this past week. I just wanted to comment on something that you said at the very end of this video that I’m commenting on in stating that limit breaks are dynamis. I can see why many people think this after Endwalker and I’m not saying that it doesn’t play a role but the Synotic Scribe actually put up a YouTube video on this very subject like a couple weeks ago which made some compelling arguments about why limit breaks are not JUST dynamis and that there’s more going on there.

  2. #MrHappyMondays
    Heya mister, good Sunday to you!
    You always end your videos with "Be sure to Like, Favorite, Subscribe and Share", but what does favorite mean? I'm guessing it's a removed YouTube feature – if so what exactly did it do?

  3. #MHM Not a question, just an apology for forgetting about that line about Limit Breaks during the Endsinger fight. That completely slipped my mind, and I'm sorry. 🤦‍♂️ You were right.

  4. #mrhappymondays
    Hi happs I have a question about if is so complex or complicated to make a anti cheat program for ffxiv that won't let people to cheating or made any modifications in the game , the developers are not interested doing it that because they working I believe really hard on dawntrail or they don't care what is your opinion and solution for this problem?

  5. #HappyDayswithMrMon

    Hey there! Hope you and your 4-legged floofs are doing well! Thanks for answering my question last week, first time I've asked anything and it really feels like a "senpai noticed me" moment! ♡

    Easier question this week: Do you think we'll ever see another disciple of the hand or land job? Or do you think what we have now is pretty universal already?

  6. #MHM Hey paisan I hope all is well, what do you think are the chances of getting more storage or glam slots next xpac? It hurts my soul to have to discard pieces I'll probably never wear but just one day it'll complete a perfect glam or sumthin lol.

  7. Players are notoriously bad at knowing what they actually want – if the devs remove the 2min meta because everyone's complaining about it, people will start complaining that they want the 2min meta back for the same reasons the complaints originally sprung up lol.

  8. #MrHapHapHappyDays with Mr Catday (since every day is cat day)

    Hey Haps and Kitty Crew o/
    I know everyone is screaming about wanting “Beast Master” as the new Limited Job but what do u think about “Minion Master”? A job where u can basically use your collection of minions as “Pokémon” and battle with them. This would not only be kinda cool with everything they could do with minion skills and interactions but it would also encourage ppl to minion farm a lot more and give an avenue into harder content for those scared of it but want minions for their new job from it.

    No clue on how they would implement the moves or skills though 🤷‍♂️

  9. #MrHappyMondays

    Do you think we'll see Island Sanctuary get a Diadem 3.0 style rework later on after 7.0 or do you think it'll just stay the way it is?

    After all the complaints about the content being nothing more than a spread sheet simulator and not a Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley style side content, it would be a shame if Island Sanctuary was just abandoned without at least taking in this type of feedback and attempting to give it a second wind.

    Also, hope you have Aloha around for another 10 years, good sir! He may be a troublemaker, but he is still a good boi. :3

  10. #MondaysWithMrMonday

    Allo allo happs. Did you like how they made the 6.1-6.5 MSQ as a sort of a self-contained story that is set in the XIV world as opposed to the previous MSQ that stretches from ARR to 6.0? Do you think they’ll continue making the story in an episodic fashion instead of making one wide expansive saga? Do you think they should?

  11. Regarding completing FFXI main story + RoZ and CoP, if you only have a couple of gaming hours per day, I can't see it happening, especially if you've never played 11 before. CoP and RoZ both have some missions that are freaking time consuming (Headstone pilgrimage in RoZ and basically all Sea in CoP, not to mention 3 paths). Doesn't cost anything to attempt, but you may find you are not even close after the 30 days

  12. #HappyMondayswithMrHappy

    hello and good day Happy hope your week has been well
    long time viewer, occasional asker. got 2 questions this week for your perusal
    1. are you still enjoying ever crisis and its various events since its release?
    2. any thoughts on the revealed dynamic difficulty option for Rebirth or is it still to early to really comment?

  13. #MondaysWithMrMonday

    Hey Hey happs. With all the discourse around the 2 min meta do you think it would be better to just get rid of most jobs raid buffs. If most of the jobs were "selfish" like SAM I'm sure they would be easier to balance. Another benefit to this would be more unique rotations since they won't have to think about aligning your damage with others. What do you think? Is having a raid buff too important to a job's identity to remove? I really like playing DRG/MNK/BRD but feel no deep attachment to their raidbuffs. The only one jobs i think need their raidbuffs are NIN/DNC. What do you think of this idea?
    Hope you had a nice thanksgiving.


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