Begging Bandai Namco For More Digimon Games

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48 thoughts on “Begging Bandai Namco For More Digimon Games”

  1. You say that monster taming is dead atm you are clearly over looking PokeRogue. You might want to look into it before Gamfreak decides to do what they do best and that is not make a better pokemon game.

  2. I get that they don't wanna copy pokemon but a "Digimon GO" would be perfect to draw more people into the franchise. Not to mention that concept wise it would make way more sense for digimon than for pokemon.

  3. For short term porting probably good option.
    Just the bad think about "bandai namco" they usually make the port quality more worse than the OG (like tales of symphonia on switch or pac man) not like capcom who make port looks like new game or atlast remaster with +extra feature.

    For me person i just hope even if they make new digimon game pliss polish the gameplay loop more better. And don't add gimmick mechanic who broke the immersion.

  4. Really wish they would make another game like Digimon world next order. Wasn't a fan of Digimon survive, felt it was just a visual novel with bad tactics gameplay strapped on. Cyber sleuth was ok, but I enjoy more action orientated games.

  5. It would be nice to make a new Digimon game, and World 3 wasn't that bad, but a bit grinding. There is also potential with the card game since it is becoming more popular, too, so a video game version could help make the franchise more popular.

  6. It'll come out when it comes out.

    Personally, I don't think begging will change anything. Not just because Bandai US have little to no control on Digimon development, but because they already said a while ago that they're looking into porting older games. If they had something they could put out that easily, they'd have done by now.

    Before he left, Habu expressed the sentiment that remakes were the way to for older games and not wanting to cheap out if they actually do ports to not realease those games as they were, since they had a lot of issues.

    Don't know if Palworld's success would impact Digimon that much either. Like it or not, the 'parady' aspact helped them a lot and digimon games are nothing like them.

    On a different note, fans just released an online simulator for the Digimon Card game about a week ago, so people at least have something to try it out for now.

  7. If I were Bandai I would just sponsor some of the fan game creators, it would be pennies for a company as BIG as Bandai namco and it would maintain interest in the franchise for their next big release. I guess investors and suits just don't care about it. they don't understand what a community is, for them it's just money.

  8. They can't, Ed! They gotta get that $130 dollars back for that crappy Gundam Metaverse "game" they had their devs create. XD So, no budget for digimans or dot hack. Only Nardo, Draggin' Mah BallZ Tenkaichi, & Tekken smh

  9. I would love for Digimon Cybersleuth games to get a next gen port for PS5/Xbox Series with quality of life features, like text advance skipping.
    Its rough replaying those games when you are forced to watch every text cutscene without any way to speed things up. Especially if you want to get into the gameplay, like me.

  10. Among my Digimon loving group we have come to a conclusion that what Digimon needs more then anything is a more concrete and digestible lore that people can understand. Like Pokemon are animals with a lot of intelligence and we use them in our daily lives. Digimon is a very nebulous with Digi destined, the knights, the quantum sea, the multiverse ect. Its a very hard property to sell to a 10 year old in one sentence. Digimon needs to format its world of ideas, no pun intended, and needs to re approach the whole series and games with a unified voice and that in my opinion Bandai won't do. I think there is a place for a lot of the work that has been done with Digimon to find its way into the post-format but they will be the exceptions not the rules. tl;dr Digimon needs to get a lot of their chickens in a row to make the property viably commercial again and that's hard work and Bandai probably won't do it.

  11. When you put effort into a comment and Youtube just is like nah fam, because of poor scripting. I hate how games and media have moved away from songs that encapsulate their brand like the original Pokémon theme song and the Original Digimon theme song. These things scream I'm this without me having to look at them. Celestial sponsored by Pokémon does not give any indication it is about Pokémon. It's like wow what a waste of time and money. Yet we got unsponsored people like Nerdout making a song for Palworld that is pretty clear it is about Palworld and the Palworld devs should reach out and make an official video for it. Just like Digimon can take the old theme song and slap it on a trailer and the hype would rise. Pokémon could do something fun like putting a new Pokerap in the credits for each Pokémon game or just putting the Pokémon theme song in the credits. They are iconic songs that will never lose their luster so why not use them and why not make more that actually represents the brand. Why do we accept such mediocrity like Celestial that might get popular but no one may know that it's related to Pokémon at all. If Digimon is the first one to jump back on the iconic song train. Then it most likely will get much more attention.

  12. Digimon world 2 and 3 on switch with a save whenever or at least a suspend save feature would be great and add a story so far or a character that tells you what you were doing last/ what quest you are on in every town

  13. I'm already playing Digimon World 2 Alternative, and would like it if they could port and remake the Digimon Story: Lost Evolution and Super Xros Wars series for the Switch and other platforms somehow.

    Now that I think about it, I wonder if Gymleader Ed cleared Digimon World 2 Alternative before? I'd like to see his playthrough of that, if possible.

  14. I don't see why they also can't bring digimon games that never got an English adaptation to the west like digimon world re digitized I know I would love too play it since mirie is in digimon cyber sleuth, digimon hackers memory, and digimon next order. That's 3 games that players don't know who she is or where she's from.

  15. The thing is… they kinda can't? That is, unless they were to port the REALLY old titles back from the PS1/game swan era. Because aside from those, what is there? No one wants World 4 or Data Squad, the DS games are DS games and thus difficult to port over, and then there's Re:Digitize that was a PSP game, but people would be mad if they didn't port the enhanced 3DS version instead and… well, it's a 3DS game and thus difficult to port.

    I guess they could give us the PSP Adventure game? I wonder if they still have the files laying around to pull that of. I'd buy that.

  16. Wouldn't mind a Sequel to Cyber Sleuth and a Digimon Survive 2
    Although if they do Cyber Sleuth hope Renamon, Dorumon, Raidramon and Pegasusmon are in it.
    And hoping Renamon is in Digimon Survive 2 if one is made.
    And Would like remasters/remakes of World 2 & 3, Dusk, Dawn and others since I haven't played them.

  17. I basically subbed to this channel for Digimon fangame content updates. So that says allot. My interest in more niche titles sadly just isn't there. I already have Pokémon in an official capacity. But I just miss the old Digimon times and having that IP interactable with. I can't possible be the only one here. But Bandai seems to only be making obscure gatcha and pedometer games for Digimon these days or whatnot..

  18. Bamco is always making the weirdest decisions. "Tales of" and Digimon are decently popular, but they're always sidelined or done badly, in Tales of case with the DLC and what not. It's the only company that I generally get confused on why they do what they do when they have popular IPs, especially when trends like Palworld and what-not can really push those brands. Tales reuses a lot of their monsters and can even take to the monster catching craze, like how they did a game with monster taming with DotNW, but they won't, main game wise the last game had a terrible story, and writing, probably due to chasing trends. Digimon wise, we keep getting Novels and stuff, which is meh, but we do get good stuff in the pendulum, or the Tamagotchi, scene so that's actually a good thing but not much so for console gamers.

  19. Palworld is proof of demand.

    A Digimon game like Palworld would be fun. A Digimon action-mmo. A Digimon VR game. Digimon should just do the stuff people have been begging the Pokemon company to do, but they refuse to do.

  20. Something as good as Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory would be amazing. The plot was amazing (although I haven't finished the game yet, Chap. 11 HM and Chap. 19 CS).
    Please no spoilers in reply.

  21. I have tried a few times to get into Digimon games and they just don't click with me…I am a die hard Pokemon fan but have enjoyed Coromon and Tem Tem as well as many Pokemon ROM hacks. Please if anyone has a suggestion as to the best Digimon game to try to get into the games. I have the following consoles to play on: 3DS, DS, Vita, PSP, GBA, PS5 and Xbox Series.

  22. I want more Digimon games, but not like Survive… I was so excited for that one, up until it was revealed that it's mostly a Visual Novel. Nothing wrong with that if that's what you like… But I don't.

  23. I'd be totally down for a Digimon World 3 remake/remaster. One of my favourite childhood games and probably one of the games I sunk the most hours into in my entire life, I couldn't stop playing it! Although the backtracking was a little annoying at times, so a fast travel option would be great, or maybe they could add new things (story events, challenges, environmental changes etc.) to previous areas to make backtracking more interesting 🙂

  24. hope they would make one like digimon world 2, i know its considered by allot as the worse entry in franchise but general idea and mechanics(thought not refined) were awesome:
    -dna digivolution(or simply fusion) new digimon new techniques(thought need to add passive skills though), more digimon was fused the better evolutions, highier lvl cap, more stats could be inherited
    -digievolution: well evolve into better mon and get acces to highier tier techs
    -ride in a modificable digimon like vehicle: mod it to have more fuel hp gadgets etc.
    -factions though they didnt do much rather than be a starter choice and general main base theme you want to stick with
    -befriending digimon on grid base dungeon, could be changed improved
    there are more cool thinghs this game did and i really like the formula of fusing 2 digimon rather than one digimon branching into evry other digimon evolution line.

  25. I'm trying not to get my hopes too high……. but, I hope that they finally announce the new Digimon Story at the upcoming Summer Game Fest.
    But with my look, they'll probably just release a new trailer for Dragon Ball Z Sparking Zero and a new Tekken 8 DLC trailer. 🙄


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