[MKWii] 3 Unfinished Custom Tracks & Future CT Plans

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything related to Mario Kart. Recently, I’ve regained interest in Mario Kart Wii custom tracks so in this video I wanted to showcase 3 incomplete custom tracks. Like I said at the end of the video, I intend on completing 2 of the 3 courses. Here is some more info about each track.

#1 – Untitled
An unnamed course dating back to 2018 that was made in collaboration with Hman6516. Not much was done with this outside of the course model. It is scaled too large, there is no minimap or skybox and laps don’t count. Neither I nor Hman will be finishing this course. Personally, I don’t think it has much potential but I still wanted to showcase what was done until development ceased. If anyone else is interested in finishing this course, please contact me.

#2 – Twilight Track
A linear course that takes place in a forest at night. The model was made by oh ok. In early 2021, I approach him to ask if I could make his design playable. After being sent the model, I begin work on the technical aspects of the course. I didn’t make it too far as I lost interest. Though, coming back to it for this video, I think it does have some potential. It definitely needs an upscale and some decorations. The skybox texture also looks low quality so I will find a replacement for that.

#3 – Summer Sprint
Another collab with Hman6516. He sent the track in 2020 asking for some feedback. I thought it was fun to drive but some parts were a bit janky. I later asked him for the model so I can redesign a few parts of it. What you see in this video is the current progress. I put it on hold in early 2021 but revisited it a few days ago. The ending section will probably be revamped and the texture mapping for the metal grid parts is off.


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