Missing Plane With 210 Passengers Lands With Only 4 Survivors and Nobody Knows What Happens

A team investigates a mysterious occurrence in a plane.


46 thoughts on “Missing Plane With 210 Passengers Lands With Only 4 Survivors and Nobody Knows What Happens”

  1. I hate it's always like the guy that knows about the incident gets arrested and labeled as crazy and they are like we told you so

  2. Btw. . . As someone who has watched this entire show. . . Vasily is the be all and end all of male-ness. . . Dudes a fucking beast, and a suave one at that 😀

  3. I was first introduced to this story through the TV series when it first premiered and I've consumed all forms of media regarding it since then. I watched the show, read all the books and the graphic novels. One of my teachers in high school was into it too and let me borrow his flash drive that had all the graphic novels on it. I love this take on vampires so much, it's so awesome and unique. I'm glad they wrote a conclusive end to it too so it doesn't get milked to death and back.

  4. "L = Logic" – imagine you was put in quarantine by medics, they telling you that you are sick, but you get out despite their warnings. Next day you wake up feeling sick and looking really unwell. Logic tells you that you MAY BE sick after all! But who use logic?

  5. Caretaker is like "Oh a vampire thing,and I m a side-character with no backstory,I better gtfo cause I have no plot armor,let me also get the kids for some plot protection"


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