Do you know in LONE SURVIVOR… – #shorts #short


35 thoughts on “Do you know in LONE SURVIVOR… – #shorts #short”

  1. The movie does no justice to the book. The shit those 4 men went through, and the fact Marcus got out alive is nothing but sheer will. People need to accept that those men set the standards that all men should live up too. If everyone did our country and world wouldn't be a shit pile of whinny bitches

  2. There's also to be noted that the Md Gulabs story is totally different and shocking. "Zero Taliban casualties". "Marcus has 11 magz of rounds with him". "Taliban already knew drop off n followed footsteps".
    Add more if you know anything about this.

  3. He was below him and unable to do a thing to help him. That’s why he covered his ears. He would have loved to put his body in front of those bullets to save his BEST FRIEND. He just was in a position unable to help at all. And he heard the desperation in Mikey’s cries. Just to much for anyone to handle.

  4. He was calling his name because Marcus was running away. He's getting court marshaled for falsified accounts of the events and enough eye witnesses coming with their accounts of the events. If that doesn't convince you he lied about what happened when the Afghani villager applied for sanctuary in the US because his life was in danger Marcus refused to sponsor him because he knew the truth

  5. I had to read the book in high-school for history class, years later when the movie came out I could tell by the preview they weren't gonna do the book justice, and the book probably didn't do the real thing justice in the first place

  6. Anyone that has not see Death first hand goes looking for it expecting it to be like a movie. When Death has already visited you then understanding we all die someday just some people die sooner then others.

  7. To bad that Marcus lied about alot of what happened. Even after Gulab saved him, Marcus got him citizenship in the US then tried to get him deported when Gulab started to tell the truth about what happened. Even the group that went in to investigate after the battle said Luttrel's story didn't add up. His story is half lies, half truth. My guess is, he left that part of the story in is because of all the guilt of lying.

  8. Imo luttrell ran away from the fight. I can't blame him for surviving but i believe he fabricated his own heroism. He ran, dietz axe and murph got overwhelmed by numbers and position on mountain. Those 3 fought for their lives while luttrell ran away.

  9. Shah was an Afghan, he showed hell to your 50+ marines, who attacked our country, including these 3, showed them hell on earth and then sent them to hell, but at the same time another Afghan showed humanity to one of your own who was not in a position of attack and saved him.
    This is crystal clear, if you attack us we will give you hell on earth no matter what supper power you are, we have nothing to loose, we will die happily for our country and religion, if you have a doubt, read our history, and if you come to us for help or as guest we will protect you with our lifes.

  10. I know there was an AAR with documented evidence that conflicted with the mainstream version of what was told and shown. The after action review (AAR) I believe came from a Full Bird Col from a Military branch other than the Navy and it was available online and may still be. Operation Red Wing was a joint military operation that was on-going. The mainstream story makes it seem as if it was the seal team's mission. It was my understanding that they did not hike in like the way the movie shows but was dropped by helicopter and was ambushed shortly after insertion. The video shows the firefight and you can hear suppressed fire from seals. I'm in no way discrediting the warfighters that died that day… I just think after things went bad higher ups started telling a story that was more acceptable to save their careers. I feel that if this was a Navy Seal only operation we would not know who these warfighters were. Once again I take nothing from these warfighters!!! They were just doing the job assigned to them!

  11. I remember having a dream about being in the war, seeing a detonation explosion killing a handful of soldiers right in front of me. It was an ambush, I remember retreating with one of my friends to a tunnel. I told him to cover ourselves with the dead bodies. I woke up right after that, I still felt fear and being relieved that it was a dream. I can’t imagine what he was feeling.

  12. Thanks to those never seen or recognized that ran coms #!*~ and made the proper communications necessary to pull the rescue off in addition to the actual brave boots on the ground. God bless America and all of US.


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