Marjorie Greene EXPLODES As Ultimate Deception Revealed

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets her vicious lies exposed for what her true intentions are after an interview on infowars, her attacks against trans community and her twitter meltdowns. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 10 Most Outrageous Quotes This Year –

“Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene has emerged as one of the most outspoken and controversial members of Congress since she was first elected to the House in November 2020.

An avid Donald Trump supporter, she has a colorful reputation, having claimed that the 9/11 attacks were at least partly conducted by the federal government. She also suggested that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced with a body double before her death in 2020.

Here’s a list of Greene’s most memorable quotes from 2022.”


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49 thoughts on “Marjorie Greene EXPLODES As Ultimate Deception Revealed”

  1. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't see investing all that money and time and personal sacrifice to get trained as a doctor, or a nurse, or a medical practitioner of any sort, and setting up my shingle in any of these ignorant backwards areas – what is next to be demonized by the anti science crowd?

  2. hey, all we're waiting for is the soundbite saying "innocent christian shooter"; does anyone want to bet those words won't be said before the next presidential election ?

  3. Aren't about 90% of American males circumcised? That is the literal slicing off parts of the male genitalia= mutilation. This us also nearly always done when babies so no consent either.

  4. I agree on the bands, I do not agree with Margie, trader green, but I think children should wait at least until the 21, if they want to commit themselves to that type of surgery, and I don’t care what people say, the same way, we want to increase the age in who is able to hold a gun, I think we should wait for children to be able to commit to that.

  5. This wonderful young man woeks foe my sister. She is 17. She is so afraid of telling her parents. Again, like gay humans were afraid to come out of the closet. So they dont get the support they need. Mental or physical support. MTG is just a horrific public servant

  6. I think she really has a pp (purposely written for ban reasons). She has manly shoulders (again, not an issue). She can be what she wants to be, although it does seem strange that this is her only stance out of all the other things that are more important. Most people will make a big deal about something that they hate about themselves. Things that make you say "hmmm".

  7. As a trans woman, I never once thought that I wanted to be trans. If you “want” to be, chances are that you’re not trans, that’s why some make the mistake of rushing into something that proper psychological therapy may help. Gay people don’t “want” to be gay and trans people are no different. We just are, and all attempts to eradicate us will most likely result in deaths, which is fine with the fascists. It saves them from having to create death camps. I was not the one who diagnosed gender dysphoria, it was diagnosed and the diagnosis was confirmed by the appropriate medial professionals. I was one of many who attempted the ending of my life with attacks by ignorant “Christians” who basically impressed upon me that I was damaged beyond repair and would be better off dead. I have one thing to say to these false “Christians” who try to eradicate a not insignificant portion of society. All I would say that if you are not even willing to attempt understanding of our struggle, then just please go to hell. False “Christians” who spread hatred and support violence of minorities are mostly going to end up there anyhow.

  8. I'm a wonderfully stupid parent who wants my kids to be the best they can be and you know what they are vaccinated and kept away from guns! Can't wait to see who they love and give the (I don't mind going to prison) talk! It's my right as a daddy!

  9. All this is for real she wants to be God of the world and demand everything the way she wants it. That means you can't say anything and you are worth nothing so basically you are to be gone. And you will do as I bid and there is nothing you can do about it, this is most likely the thought process of this want to be human being that is a piss for representative of everything, she only represents herself worth which I would even give you one cent for!!

  10. Then again, what do you expect from the idiot that magatry traitor gangrene is. Did you not know that she is the personification of a really, really dumb blonde. It should be illegal for her to open her mouth and spew bullsh*t.

  11. Marjorie, they way you speak about trans people… just proves to me, that you have never actually met one. And you have most certainly never sat down to talk with an entire family.
    And, you know what? All these people, who think things like that are contagious, or learned… must be really weak ass people, if they truly think they could be turned, by suggestion. How low is your self confidence, as a woman… that you think you could be turned? Every time you speak out against rights for women, you become less of woman. So Marjorie, if you are really so worried, keep your mouth shut.

  12. What is the male counterpart of a Drama Queen?
    A whiner with a YouTube channel.
    We know MTG is nuts. Let us know when she gets kicked out of Congress.
    Wake me when you get some real news…

  13. SO, he insane broad from Georgia is a psychiatrist expert on gender identification. Oh, the parents can control what gender their child should take. What an utter failure as a "human being" that Georgia horror is! Ya'l proud of her down there in Georgia? She works for trump, not you.

  14. Please, the Damage report, do me a favor and don't put this traitor Greene on the first picture we see on Utube because as I'm looking for something to watch, I enjoy going to Greene's picture and calling her Violent and Repulsive content. After all, that's exactly what she is! And having her removed from my computer! Try it, you'll like it! Please help me out here, OK! Thank you. I don't want to remove the Damage report!

  15. Transgender happens in the womb.During the 5th month a fetus is given a "wash" in the brain which determines if the child identifies as male or female.It is biological. Maybe that is the way it is supposed to be since it happens so often.It is nature.Why are these individuals singled out and bullied as if something is "wrong" with them.


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