Mac Jones NFL Career Is In Serious Jeopardy After Getting Benched Again

During the Saints vs Patriots game, Mac Jones struggled a lot throwing 2 interceptions with one going for a pick 6. This led Bill Belichick to bench Mac Jones again for the 2nd straight week.


#patriots #macjones #belichick


36 thoughts on “Mac Jones NFL Career Is In Serious Jeopardy After Getting Benched Again”

  1. I don’t know what they are talking about. Mac has been scoring and throwing TD’s just for the other team. Bring in Cunningham and have some fun and still get a top draft pick. But fire Bill or at least Bill the GM.

  2. Bellichek should have hung it up after Brady.

    Now he’s just getting exposed for not really being the GOAT coach everyone thought he was.

    The Pats’ GM really needs to make a tough decision here…oh, wait….

  3. The best thing for Mac Jones is to ask for a trade out of New England. He can be a good quarterback, but unfortunately he is with a very bad team and extremely poor coaching. I know everyone will jump on me for calling Bill the Bill a bad coach but a coach is a good coach if he/she can bring up a bad team to good levels. Unfortunately, this NE team is getting worse week after week. At least Cowboys are a good team NE got their rear whipped by, but losing 34-0 to New Orleans? Come on!!!! Mac please try your best to get out of this team and go anywhere (even J, E, T, S Jets Jets will be a better team for you).

  4. I do not really understand why the media is even trying to interview this hard swollen head Bill. Don't the media have any shame? Let Bill the Bully follow his Mentor Bob Kraft in going for younger women. His focus is there and not with the team. This NE team is going to be so bad for many years to come, unless Blow the Bob Kraft yanks Bill the Hill out of head coaching job.

  5. Bill had Tom obviously and let him walk which Pisses me off but Mac J is not only to blame. They have no O line, run game, your best WR you let go and sign F ing JJ Shuster and has what 2 catches. Bill needs to walk away from the GM at least

  6. You love to see it. Welcome to reality NE fans. This is the reality other NFL teams have had to live with for the last 15 years, my entire life watching football, watching failed qb after failed qb in Miami, while NE had a fairy tale run with Brady. This gave me so much joy 🎉

  7. You know bill, we kinda tolerated your shit attitude because you were winning. Now you’re a proven loser without your legendary quarterback to help promote the culture and get people on the same page. I kinda don’t feel like perpetuating the “in bill we trust” brainwashed mindset anymore. Keep up the curt, I’m smarter than you attitude and I kinda hope your job is in just as much trouble as McCorkle’s

  8. The game has changed so much. Bill being a defensive guru is doing things like it’s still the old style of play. The game is offensive now which is why Andy Reid is doing great things in kc. Tom and Bill are both great. Neither wins multiple without the other. Don’t come at me with Tampa either because that was a ready made football team with a great defensive coordinator in TB

  9. As someone who has watched teams ruin young quarterbacks I can attest that inconsistency in the offensive staff can kill a young player. This typically happens with coaching staffs that are new or inexperienced and feel like they have to change things in order to win and save their jobs. So the question isn’t how the Pats have ruined their offense since Brady left but rather why is it happening at all with the “GOAT HC” (as people used to say). It’s clear to me that a lot of players and coaches and personnel were effectively riding the Brady train, that as soon as he was going to leave that the organization would have an exodus (maybe not all at once, but for a few years). It’s also clear to me that Belichick has had a nepotism problem for awhile, he hired his son and kept people around out of loyalty. It also seemed like he was looking ahead for years during the end of Brady’s tenure, always focused on his legacy over the organization’s. He seemed to miss on GM decisions a lot and never seemed to have a plan for after people like McDaniels or Brady left. He didn’t seem to evolve and has been obsessed with recreating the 2018 team. He can stay on, but it won’t help his legacy.

  10. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse than Daniel Jones here comes Zach Wilson and when I thought it couldn’t get any worst here comes Mac Jones. They are the 3 worst QBs in the league by Country mile.

  11. I hoped and prayed that Mac would develop but he just doesn't have it. He doesn't pass the eye test. He's too slow to react, he takes too long to get rid of the ball, and his passes have no zip. He throws ballons.

  12. Its just wrong benching a rookie quaterback like Mac Jones when in reality there's incompetence in management and their failure to develop him properly with a team of skilled players around him

  13. This is 100% on Belichick. You don't draft a young QB and not do a single thing to support him, and jerk the kid around for 3 years. His arrogance, stubbornness, and inability to adapt to the league has put this franchise in a really bad position.


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