Living Underground To Avoid Social Interactions | Full Overlord Playthrough Stellaris 3.4

Ignorin’ The galaxy for our own benefit. Didn’t play perfectly in this run and went down a non-meta more fun play style which led to some weird moments for our isolationist blobs and the glorious Bob ‘The Blob’ Blorgington!

Fan Run Lathrixian Discord –

Life updates – Pet stuff – Random tweets:

#Stellaris #Overlord #Playthrough


30 thoughts on “Living Underground To Avoid Social Interactions | Full Overlord Playthrough Stellaris 3.4”

  1. Without even seeing, I'm assuming subterranean, pompous purists, masterful crafters, xenophobe, authoritarian. Will edit how close I was.

    Edit: Damn, I should've guessed pacifist. I got masterful right, but mining guilds? I can see why I guess.

  2. it would be cool to see this kinda build again, maybe if you go down the route of the blob fled somehow and crashed on another world and now speak of the horror of the unbidden in their new galaxy swearing vengeance for disturbing their solitude

  3. Watching/listening to this again and I wanted to say that Lathrix's explanation of his "diplomacy" with his overlord really seems like how humans would sound when trying to interact with an alien species that does not share our senses or communication methods. Just a string of moments where one remembers that the organism you're dealing with doesn't do these things that have been worked into humanity's natural speech and thought patterns…

    Perhaps I should not listen to (potentially sleep-deprived) Stellaris when sleep-deprived myself. It leads to overthinking a species of troglodytes motioning to things that feel shiny.

  4. –'they live underground, and therefore they have lost their sense of sight and hearing.'
    …doesn't the sense of hearing get BETTER when you can't see?

    –'…and since they can't see, they can't write.'
    …ever heard of braille? the written language for blind people? if they have spend thousands of years longer to develop their civilisation then we have, you would think they get the idea of at least carved markings as a symbol language or something similarly simple.

    well, it's your empire and your lore.

  5. man that was hilarious 😀 i enjoyed every minute of it! especially how you formed your story around the strange blob people and their parasitic ways to freedom 😀

  6. yeah lathrix the update that came with overlord changed how the AI behaves, more specifically that the unbidden will actually use their jump drives to bypass ftl inhibiters.

    it worked before overlord, but now ftl inhibitors no longer affect them.

  7. I'm a new fan and I really appreciate your videos for the casual humor and roleplay, but it has been great for teaching me how to play the game. Thank you and please keep making videos like these.


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