Elden Ring: We NEED To Talk About Poor PC Performance…

Its no surprise that Elden Ring has been having some issues when it come to PC performance. So I tested a lot of options to see how well does it perform and these are the results.

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32 thoughts on “Elden Ring: We NEED To Talk About Poor PC Performance…”

  1. I'm not saying this is a solution, but I used to get like 49 to 50 ish FPS, wouldn't even hit 60 FPS
    Changed settings around and it was the same. So I went and adjusted the FPS limit on rivatuner to 120 FPS, and now I get anywhere from 70 to 80 ish FPS.
    Can someone else try this out, and confirm this actually helps?
    I have a gtx 1660 super, play at 1440p, and have a mix of medium, to high settings, some cinematic stuff is turned off, and maybe one or two settings are at low.

  2. You need Riva Tuner Statistics Server (comes bundled with MSI Afterburner). Set 60 fps limit there, to get perfect frame pacing.
    And weirdly enough, I'm running the game at 50-60 fps on High settings, on a GTX 1660 Ti laptop.

  3. My PC works in a weird way, the higher graphics settings are, the better it runs. No complains tho, I can run the game with best graphics at 40-50fps (for comparsion, the game runs at 30-40 fps on lowest settings. Sometimes falls to 20]

  4. i for one have a Radeon RX 470 gpu and AMD FX 8350 8 core CPu ( 32 gb ram) and play it at low, sometimes i fave frame rate drops…but after latest patch it's a little more stable (lost so many souls…runes ) maybe after a patch or 2 it will be fixed(as they did with Dark Souls 3 )or it may be fixed after a dlc…who knows….and the auto setings of the games was at hight….with the frame drops that it had….i letted it at low….works ok for now….sometimes after like 3…4 hours of playing i start to see some drops…it's playble

  5. Thanks for making this video. This seems to confirm my concerns about getting Elden Ring on PC before the performance issues are fixed. If you're running a 3070 and adjusting settings aren't helping and you're not able to complete certain boss fights because of stuttering, that's bad. I just hope that From gets this patched soon because I really want to play it.

  6. I turn screen mode to borderless window and set DOF to Off and that solved most all of the fps / stuttering issues for me, not the entire problem but almost all of it. (I've got a rtx 2070 mq laptop)

  7. I hate when pcs get crappy port releases, but i know sometimes console gamers have to wait a long time for a pc release to get ported to console.
    Its worth waiting for nvidia to figure this problem out.
    Its unlikely for the devs to be the ones who fix this.

  8. But guys, it’s a 10/10 game, it doesn’t matter if it’s mostly unplayable… on a game that needs precision while you are in combat it’s full of stutters and low performance … what happened to gaming industry seriously?? And what happened to gamers and they accept these half ass baked products??

  9. The ps5 version works well, only with the occasional stutter but the PC version still has lot of issues.. i hope From Software can get it working as it should so everyone can enjoy this great game!

  10. I want to say I'm glad I got the game on PS5 (which is better than my i7 and its 1060), but I'm also not the kind of gamer who'd call a 60 fps cap "awful". I'm having the time of my life with Elden Ring, but I also enjoyed Salt & Sanctuary, which is 2D.

    That said, I completely empathize with stutters fucking up gameplay and think FromSoft needs to patch that stuff as soon as they can.

  11. Just found your channel but this video was amazing, very good information and you are the first person to show that there is an update coming in the steam branch thing at the end. Great job man.

  12. It runs flawlessly on my laptop (msi gs65 1070maxq). Sometimes it stutters on boss fights at the start but thats it; I dont think 60fps is awful outside shooter

  13. i can agree, i have a i5 6600 and gtx1070 and i was getting 44-60 Fps with stutters in version 1.0 on launch day, low or max settings didnt make a big difference, i refunded.

  14. The framedrops are ruining my experience man. I thought the problem was my 1060, now i upgraded to 3060 Ti and still there are lots of framedrops. i feel scammed.

  15. I have played for about 12 hours and haven't had any crashes or freezes. The frame rate drops a lot during combat too. I am playing on 1440p high on a 2070 super and it surprisingly stays at 60fps outside the stutters

  16. This is the main reason I'm calling BS on the "overwhelmingly positive" reviews. PC gamers are big complainers, because we don't like spending 2-3k on a rig and then get shitty, unoptimized games, so I don't see them giving this game a pass like they have.

  17. What I don't get is all the apologist for the game I mean if it was any other game from any other studio this game would be getting raked over the coals but it's from soft and it's soul Series so it's it's getting a pass why?

  18. 9900K and 3090 and the stutters are crazy, FPS I could give a shit about if they only could fix those DX12 (probably) related stuff. No trick users can do can sadly fix those.


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